Job Search Tools

Here are just a few resources for searching for jobs in language teaching. Career Center

Jobs listed here tend to require higher level qualifications, e.g. MA. Job Search

This is the job search page of the professional association for American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

Dave’s ESL Cafe

This site has a wealth of resources for TESOL including job postings, mostly international.

Linguist List Job Search

This occasionally has jobs in language teaching, but may also have jobs in related fields.

Ed Ling

A listserv that sometimes posts language teaching positions.


A possible site for jobs in the area.

Peace Corps

For US citizens

A general site for teaching

For K-12 jobs. State certification is generally required.

A general site for international positions.

This is a very broad search tool for employment.

Southern Teachers

A language teaching placement service. I have never used this company and do not know anyone who has, so please do research if interested.

One Stop English

TESOL placement service.  I have never used this company and do not know anyone who has, so please do research if interested.

World Education Group

TESOL placement service.  I have never used this company and do not know anyone who has, so please do research if interested.


TESOL placement service for S. Korea.  I have never used this company and do not know anyone who has, so please do research if interested.

Teaching Assistant Positions in France

Careers in Linguistics

A great tool to explore careers related to training in Linguistics.