24.5327, Support: German: PhD Student, Universitaet zu Koeln/Germany
1) From: Martina Penke <Martina.penke@uni-koeln.de>
Subject: German: PhD Student, Universitaet zu Koeln, Germany
24.5328, Support: Dutch; Frisian: PhD Student, Frisian Academy (Fryske Akademy)/ Netherlands
1) From: Willem Visser <wvisser@fryske-akademy.nl>
Subject: Dutch; Frisian: PhD Student, Frisian Academy (Fryske Akademy), Netherlands
24.5365, Support: Applied Linguistics, General Linguistics/USA
1) From: Ladan Hamedani <hamedani@hawaii.edu>
Subject: Open Student, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, USA
24.5366, Support: Applied Linguistics, Second Language Studies/USA
1) From: Ladan Hamedani <hamedani@hawaii.edu>
Subject: Open Student, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, USA
24.5353, Support: French: PhD Student, The University of Texas at Austin
1) From: Chaz Nailor <c.nailor@austin.utexas.edu>
Subject: French: PhD Student, The University of Texas at Austin
24.5354, Support: Cognive Science; Neurolinguistics/Netherlands
1) From: Carolin Lorenz <c.lorenz@donders.ru.nl>
Subject: PhD Student, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
24.5281, Support: Morphology, Phonology, Typology/Germany
1) From: Jochen Trommer <jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de>
Subject: PhD Student, Leipzig University, Germany
24.5282, Support: General Linguistics/United Kingdom
1) From: Peter Sells <peter.sells@york.ac.uk>
Subject: PhD Student, University of York, United Kingdom
24.4977, Support: General Linguistics/Germany
1) From: Michael Schaefer <grk@frequenz.uni-freiburg.de>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Freiburg, Germany
24.4896, Support: Turkish, General Linguistics/Germany
1) From: Klaus von Heusinger <klaus.vonheusinger@uni-koeln.de>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Cologne, Germany
24.4822, Support: Phonetics, Phonology, Pragmatics, Semantics, Syntax/Germany
1) From: Werner Frey <frey@zas.gwz-berlin.de>
Subject: PhD Student, Centre for General Linguistics, Germany
24.4823, Support: Cognitive Sci, Genetic Classification, Neuroling, Psycholing/Netherlands
1) From: Dirkje van der Aa <imprs@mpi.nl>
Subject: PhD Student, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Netherlands
24.4824, Support: English, Psycholinguistics/United Kingdom
1) From: Mark Torrance <mark.torrance@ntu.ac.uk>
Subject: PhD Student, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom
24.3980, Support: Morphology/United Kingdom
1) From: Oliver Bond <o.bond@surrey.ac.uk>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
24.3977, Support: Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Sociolinguistics, Text/Corpus Linguistics/Hong Kong
1) From: Christopher Jenks <cjjenks@cityu.edu.hk>
Subject: PhD Student, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
24.3929, Support: General Linguistics, Typology/Switzerland
1) From: Mathias Jenny <jenny@spw.uzh.ch>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Zurich, Switzerland
24.3930, Support: Standard Arabic, Russian, Discourse Analysis, Historical Linguistics, Sociolinguistics/Netherlands
1) From: Alice Middag <a.j.middag@hum.leidenuniv.nl>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Amsterdam, Leiden University
24.3951, Support: Syntax, Discourse Analysis, Psycholinguistics, Text/Corpus Linguistics/France
1) From: Philip Miller <philip.miller@univ-paris-diderot.fr>
Subject: PhD Student, Université Paris Diderot, France
24.4595, Support: General Linguistics, Language Acquisition, Phonology, Syntax/Norway
1) From: Peter Svenonius <peter.svenonius@uit.no>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
24.4540, Support: English, Lexicography/Canada
1) From: Stefan Dollinger <stefan.dollinger@ubc.ca>
Subject: PhD Student, University of British Columbia at Vancouver, Canada
24.4521, Support: Irish, Sociolinguistics/United Kingdom
1) From: Wilson McLeod <wmcleod@staffmail.ed.ac.uk>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
4.4487, Support: Multiple Languages, General Linguistics/United Kingdom
1) From: Neil Bermel <n.bermel@sheffield.ac.uk>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
24.4439, Support: General Linguistics/Germany
1) From: Jana Häussler <jana.haeussler@uni-potsdam.de>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Potsdam, Germany
24.4262, Support: English, Cognitive Science, Language Acquisition, Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics/USA
1) From: Adele Goldberg <adele@princeton.edu>
Subject: PhD Student, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
24.4282, Support: Yue Chinese, English, Applied Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Language Acquisition/China
1) From: David C.S. Li <dcsli@ied.edu.hk>
Subject: PhD Student, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China
24.4204, Support: General Linguistics, Language Documentation/South Africa
1) From: Mark De Vos <m.devos@ru.ac.za>
Subject: PhD/MA/MSc Student, Rhodes University, South Africa
24.4172, Support: Sociolinguistics/Denmark
1) From: Anne Fabricius <fabri@ruc.dk>
Subject: PhD Student, Roskilde University, Denmark
24.4156, Support: English, Cognitive Science, Phonetics, Psycholinguistics/USA
1) From: T. Florian Jaeger <fjaeger@bcs.rochester.edu>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Rochester, New York, USA
24.4157, Support: Cognitive Science, Computational Linguistics, Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics/Canada
1) From: Ivona Kucerova <kucerov@mcmaster.ca>
Subject: MA/MSc/PhD Student, McMaster University, Canada
24.4148, Support: General Linguistics/Netherlands
1) From: Marten Hidma <researchclustere-fgw@uva.nl>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
24.4149, Support: Computational Linguistics/Netherlands
1) From: Wyke van der Meer <w.a.van.der.meer@rug.nl>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Groningen, Netherlands
24.4150, Support: Computational Linguistics/Netherlands
1) From: Wyke van der Meer <w.a.van.der.meer@rug.nl>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Groningen, Netherlands
24.4109, Support: English, Historical Linguistics/Austria
24.4110, Support: English, Historical Linguistics/Austria
1) From: Nikolaus Ritt <nikolaus.ritt@univie.ac.at>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Vienna, Austria
24.4111, Support: Anthropological Linguistics/Rhode Island, USA
1) From: Valerie Andrews <valerie_andrews@brown.edu>
Subject: PhD Student, John Carter Brown Library, USA
24.4094, Support: General Linguistics/Cananda
1) From: Junko Shimoyama <junko.shimoyama@mcgill.ca>
Subject: PhD Student, McGill University, Cananda
24.3738, Support: Portuguese, Discourse Analysis, Ling and Literature, General Linguistics/Sweden
1) From: Rainer Vesterinen <rainer.vesterinen@ispla.su.se>
Subject: PhD Student, Stockholm University
24.3739, Support: Italian, Applied Linguistics, Language Acquisition/Sweden
1) From: Camilla Bardel <camilla.bardel@fraita.su.se>
Subject: PhD Student, Stockholm University
24.3740, Support: Neurolinguistics,Psycholinguistics/Australia, Italy, Germany, UK
1) From: Helena Trompelt <trompelt@uni-potsdam.de>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Potsdam/Groningen/Trento/Newcastle/Macquarie
24.3607, Support: Language Acquisition, Psycholinguistics/Germany
1) From: Holger Hopp <hhopp@rumms.uni-mannheim.de>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Mannheim, Germany
24.3671, Support: Computational Linguistics, Text/Corpus Linguistics, Language Acquisition/Sweden
1) From: Mats Wirén <mats.wiren@ling.su.se>
Subject: PhD Student, Stockholm University
24.3590, Support: Anthropological Ling, General Ling, Historical Ling/Germany
1) From: Klaus von Heusinger <klaus.vonheusinger@uni-koeln.de>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Cologne, Germany
24.3591, Support: Cognitive Science, Computational Ling, Neuroling, Psycholing, Text/Corpus Ling/Canada
1) From: Catherine Anderson <cogscil@mcmaster.ca>
Subject: PhD Student, McMaster University
24.3592, Support: Basque, Spanish, Language Acq, Psycholing, Syntax/Spain
1) From: edurne petrirena <edurne.petrirena@gmail.com>
Subject: PhD Student, University of the Basque Country
24.3528, Support: Language Documentation, Typology/Australia
1) From: Anna Margetts <Anna.Margetts@arts.monash.edu.au>
Subject: PhD Student, Monash University
24.3501, Support: English; German: PhD Student, University of Bremen
1) From: Marcus Callies <callies@uni-bremen.de>
Subject: English; German: PhD Student, University of Bremen, Germany
24.3502, Support: English: PhD Student, University of Birmingham
1) From: Alison Sealey <a.j.sealey@bham.ac.uk>
Subject: English: PhD Student, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
24.3503, Support: English: Ma / MSc Student, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
1) From: Shanthi Nadarajan <nshanthi@cls.unimas.my>
Subject: English: Ma / MSc Student, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia
24.3501, Support: English; German: PhD Student, University of Bremen
1) From: Marcus Callies <callies@uni-bremen.de>
Subject: English; German: PhD Student, University of Bremen, Germany
24.3292, Support: Semantics/Germany
1) From: Hana Filip <hana.filip@gmail.com>
Subject: PhD Student, Heinrich Heine University
24.3257, Support: Phonology/Spain
1) From: Pilar Prieto <pilar.prieto@upf.edu>
Subject: PhD Student, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
24.3231, Support: Syntax/Australia
1) From: Bill Palmer <bill.palmer@newcastle.edu.au>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Newcastle
24.3139, Support: PhD Student, Université de Montréal, Canada
1) From: Phaedra Royle <phaedra.royle@umontreal.ca>
Subject: PhD Student, Université de Montréal, Canada
24.3140, Support: Semantics/Germany
1) From: hana Filip <hana.filip@gmail.com>
Subject: PhD Student, Heinrich Heine University, Germany
24.3086, Support: Computational Linguistics/Switzerland
1) From: Martin Volk <volk@cl.uzh.ch>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Zurich, Switzerland
24.3085, Support: Computational Linguistics/Germany
1) From: Sebastian Pado <pado@ims.uni-stuttgart.de>
Subject: PhD Student, Stuttgart University, Germany
24.3037, Support: PhD Student, University of Newcastle (Australia), Australia
1) From: Bill Palmer <bill.palmer@newcastle.edu.au>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Newcastle (Australia), Australia
24.3003, Support: PhD, University of Cape Town, South Africa
1) From: Matthias Brenzinger <CALDi@uct.ac.za>
Subject: PhD, University of Cape Town, South Africa
24.3019, Support: PhD Student, Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands
1) From: Merel van Wijk <m.m.van.wijk@hum.leidenuniv.nl>
Subject: PhD Student, Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands
At present there are two vacant PhD positions at the University of Antwerp (department of Linguistics). The PhD projects are sponsored by the Research Foundation Flanders and by the Research Council of the Universty of Antwerp. Both PhD projects are in the area of early language acquisition and are supervised by Steven Gillis.
For more information: please follow these links:
24.3003, Support: PhD, University of Cape Town, South Africa
1) From: Matthias Brenzinger <CALDi@uct.ac.za>
Subject: PhD, University of Cape Town, South Africa
24.2955, Support: PhD Student, University of Lisbon, Portugal
1) From: Sonia Frota <sonia.frota@mail.telepac.pt>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Lisbon, Portugal
24.2888, Support: PhD Student, University of Potsdam, Germany
1) From: Jana Häussler <jana.haeussler@uni-potsdam.de>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Potsdam, Germany
24.2844, Support: PhD Student, National Institute of Education (Nanyang Technological University)
1) From: Bin Yin <bin.yin@nie.edu.sg>
Subject: PhD Student, National Institute of Education (Nanyang Technological University)
24.2845, Support: PhD Student, University of Potsdam, Germany
1) From: Jana Häussler <jana.haeussler@uni-potsdam.de>
Subject: PhD Student, University of Potsdam, Germany
24.2843, Support: PhD Student, Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies (LMU Munich/University of Regensburg), Germany
1) From: Wiebke Rasumny <wiebke.rasumny@web.de>
Subject: PhD Student, Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies (LMU Munich/University of Regensburg), Germany
The Erasmus Mundus Program "International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain" (IDEALAB) has been established as an outstanding 3-year doctoral training to its candidates with a primary focus on language acquisition and disorders integrating interdisciplinary approaches.
For this purpose, four European universities (Potsdam (GER),Groningen (NL), Newcastle- upon-Tyne (GB), Trento/Rovereto (IT)) and one non-European university (Macquarie University Sydney (AU)) provide an intellectual environment for original and independent research on experimental and clinical aspects of language and the brain. Associated members from Research & Development industries contribute in various ways to the program and stimulate an innovative environment. They are potential co-supervisors and are involved in training.
Finally, there are seven clinics associated to the consortium, amongst others the non-European rehabilitation center in Moscow which is the world’s largest centre for language disorders in the world. The associated clinics provide internships to study unimpaired as well as impaired language of children and adults.
The program is jointly offered by a transnational consortium with an integrated study program along with required mobility between the participating institutions. The mobility plan of each individual young researcher is tailored according to the particular specialities required by the thesis topic.
The application period begins in September and ends on November 15, 2013. Further information can be found at our website:
For further inquiries, please contact:
Anja Papke
University of Potsdam
Department of Linguistics
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24-25
14476 Potsdam
Tel. +49 331 977-2747
Fax +49 331 977-2095
24.2595, Support: Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics: PhD Student, University of Potsdam, Germany
1) From: Helena Trompelt <trompelt@uni-potsdam.de>
Subject: Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics: PhD Student, University of Potsdam, Germany
24.2503, Support: French, Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Syntax: PhD Student, Université de Montréal, Canada
1) From: Phaedra Royle <phaedra.royle@umontreal.ca>
Subject: French, Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Syntax: PhD Student, Université de Montréal, Canada
24.2503, Support: French, Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Syntax: PhD Student, Université de Montréal, Canada
1) From: Phaedra Royle <phaedra.royle@umontreal.ca>
Subject: French, Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Syntax: PhD Student, Université de Montréal, Canada
24.2482, Support: Empirical Aesthetics, General Linguistics: PhD Student, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Germany
1) From: Sabine Mai <sabine.mai@aesthetics.mpg.de>
Subject: Empirical Aesthetics, General Linguistics: PhD Student, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Germany
Human Technology Centre (HumTec) at RWTH Aachen University invites applications for a Ph.D. student position combining cognitive linguistics, gesture research, and motion capture technology.
This part-time (50%) doctoral research position is anchored in a soon-to-start interdisciplinary project whose aim is a) to derive cognitive, linguistic and behavioral patterns from complex multimodal corpora (e.g. translation processes data and multimodal speech and action data) and b) to build an electronic research platform to be made available to the community. The research group, consisting of doctoral, postdoctoral, and senior researchers from linguistics, semiotics, computer science and information management, will be funded over a period of 3,5 years by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments.
The successful candidate has an excellent Masters Degree in linguistics/semiotics/cognitive science and, in particular, a strong background in cognitive linguistics, hands-on experience with empirical gesture research and ideally also with using motion capture technology in the context of multimodal interaction research. If no prior MoCap experience exists, a genuine technical affinity/creativity (e.g., programming, digital media) is desirable to ensure smooth and constructive collaboration within the project (for information on the lab equipment, see www.humtec.rwth-aachen.de/nmlab). The position is to be filled as soon as possible; funding will be provided for 3.5 years pending a positive evaluation after the first 1.5 years.
The doctoral research of this particular position will be mainly overseen by Prof. Irene Mittelberg (Linguistics & Cognitive Semiotics) and Prof. Stella Neumann (English Linguistics; project speaker); it is possible to add a faculty member from another discipline to the dissertation committee. The working language is English. All HumTec doctoral students have the opportunity to take part in language courses and career development programs offered by the Center for Doctoral Studies.
To be considered for this position, please include the following documents in your application materials: a cover letter, a CV, a list with the names of three referees, and a 3-4 page research statement detailing your experience with and interest in multimodal interaction research using a MoCap system.
Application deadline: July 3, 2013.
For more information and to submit your application, please contact:
Irene Mittelberg, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Linguistics & Cognitive Semiotics
Human Technology Centre (HumTec)
RWTH Aachen University
Theaterplatz 14
52062 Aachen, Germany
24.2335, Support: Syntax, English, French: PhD Student, University of Geneva, Switzerland
1) From: Tabea Ihsane <tabea.ihsane@unige.ch>
Subject: Syntax, English, French: PhD Student, University of Geneva, Switzerland
24.2310, Support: Northwest Narrow Bantu A, Language Documentation: PhD Student, C.N.R.S., Paris, France
1) From: Mark Van de Velde <vandevelde@vjf.cnrs.fr>
Subject: Northwest Narrow Bantu A, Language Documentation: PhD Student, C.N.R.S., Paris, France
24.2231, Support: English, Diachronic Discourse Analysis, Text/Corpus Linguistics: PhD Student, University of Birmingham, UK
1) From: Alison Sealey <a.j.sealey@bham.ac.uk>
Subject: English, Diachronic Discourse Analysis, Text/Corpus Linguistics: PhD Student, University of Birmingham, UK
24.2239, Support: Language Acquisition, Neurolinguistics: PhD Student, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
1) From: John Williams <jnw12@cam.ac.uk>
Subject: Language Acquisition, Neurolinguistics: PhD Student, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
24.2234, Support: English, Historical Ling, Socioling, Writing Systems, Text/Corpus Ling: PhD Student, University of Stavanger, Norway
1) From: Linn Andersen <linn@frantz.no>
Subject: English, Historical Ling, Socioling, Writing Systems, Text/Corpus Ling: PhD Student, University of Stavanger, Norway
24.1880, Support: Psycholinguistics, Speech Comprehension: PhD Student, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
1) From: Mirjam Ernestus <m.ernestus@let.ru.nl>
Subject: Psycholinguistics, Speech Comprehension: PhD Student, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
24.1881, Support: Cognitive Science, Semantics: PhD Student, University of Trento, Italy
1) From: Roberto Zamparelli <roberto.zamparelli@unitn.it>
Subject: Cognitive Science, Semantics: PhD Student, University of Trento, Italy
24.2039, Support: Computational Linguistics: PhD Student, Heidelberg University, Germany
1) From: Anette Frank <frank@cl.uni-heidelberg.de>
Subject: Computational Linguistics: PhD Student, Heidelberg University, Germany
24.2136, Support: General Linguistics: PhD Student, University of Leuven, Belgium
1) From: Benedikt Szmrecsanyi <benszm@gmail.com>
Subject: General Linguistics: PhD Student, University of Leuven, Belgium
24.1855, Support: Computational Linguistics: PhD Students, University of Cambridge, UK
1) From: Ted Briscoe <ejb@cl.cam.ac.uk>
Subject: Computational Linguistics: PhD Students, University of Cambridge, UK
24.1752, Jobs: Modified: Multiple Languages; Comp Ling; Text/Corpus Ling; Translation: PhD Student, University of Zurich
1) From: Martin Volk <volk@cl.uzh.ch>
Subject: Modified: Multiple Languages; Computational Linguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics; Translation: PhD Student, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
24.1753, Jobs: Modified: Multiple Languages; English Ling; Text/Corpus Ling; Translation: PhD Student, University of Zurich
1) From: Marianne Hundt <mhundt@es.uzh.ch>
Subject: Modified: Multiple Languages; English Linguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics; Translation: PhD Student, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
24.1705, Support: General Linguistics: PhD Student, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
1) From: Jen Hay <jen.hay@canterbury.ac.nz>
Subject: General Linguistics: PhD Student, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
24.1701, Jobs: Multiple Languages; Comp Ling; Text/Corpus Ling; Translation: Post Doc, PhD students, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
1) From: Martin Volk <volk@cl.uzh.ch>
Subject: Multiple Languages; Computational Linguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics; Translation: Post Doc, PhD students, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
24.1330, Support: Applied Ling, Cognitive Sci, Disc Analysis, Socioling, Text/Corpus Ling: PhD Student, Northumbria University, UK
1) From: Regina Weinert
Subject: Applied Ling, Cognitive Sci, Disc Analysis, Socioling, Text/Corpus Ling: PhD Student, Northumbria University, UK
__________________24.1117, Support: Cognitive Science, Computational Linguistics, Psycholinguistics: PhD Student, University of Edinburgh, UK
1) From: Frank Keller <keller@inf.ed.ac.uk>
Subject: Cognitive Science, Computational Linguistics, Psycholinguistics: PhD Student, University of Edinburgh, UK
24.1020, Support: General Linguistics: PhD Student, University of Ulster, United Kingdom
1) From: Raffaella Folli <r.folli@ulster.ac.uk>
Subject: General Linguistics: PhD Student, University of Ulster, United Kingdom
24.1017, Support: General Linguistics: PhD Student, University of Basel (Switzerland)/University of Freiburg (Germany)
1) From: Philipp Dankel <philipp.dankel@unibas.ch>
Subject: General Linguistics: PhD Student, University of Basel (Switzerland)/University of Freiburg (Germany)
24.996, Support: Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Neurolinguistics: PhD Student, University of Oslo, Norway
1) From: Elizabeth Lanza <elizabeth.lanza@iln.uio.no>
Subject: Multilingualism: PhD Student, University of Oslo, Norway
PhD positions in Computational linguistics, Nordic languages, and Swedish as a second language, and a licentiate/PhD position in Swedish as a second language
Type of employment: Fixed-term employment, 4-5 years
Basis: 100%
Location: Department of Swedish, University of Gothenburg
First day of employment: 2013-09-01
Reference number:
Job description
The successful candidate is expected to devote their time primarily to the completion of obligatory course work and the writing of a doctoral dissertation. He or she may, however, undertake a limited amount of teaching, administration or research not directly connected to their dissertation topic.
General entry requirements
To meet the basic entry requirements of doctoral programmes at the University of Gothenburg, applicants must have obtained a second-cycle degree, have completed studies of at least 240 higher education credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle, have completed a corresponding programme in some other country or be able to demonstrate the possession of equivalent qualifications.
General entry requirements
To meet the basic entry requirements of doctoral programmes at the University of Gothenburg, applicants must have obtained a second-cycle degree, have completed studies of at least 240 higher education credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle, have completed a corresponding programme in some other country or be able to demonstrate the possession of equivalent qualifications.
Specific entry requirements, Computational linguistics: At least 30 credits from second-cycle courses in Computational linguistics or Language technology, including a research paper of at least 15 credits
At least 30 credits from second-cycle courses in linguistics, including a research paper of at least 15 credits, plus at least 30 credits from first-level courses in Language technology, Computational linguistics, or Computer science.
At least 30 credits from second-cycle courses in Computer science, including a research paper of at least 15 credits, plus at least 30 credits from first-level courses in linguistics.
Applicants must have good reading skills in the languages necessary for the completion of obligatory course work and in order to be able to participate actively in department seminars.
Specific entry requirements, Nordic languages: At least 120 higher education credits are required for admission to the third-cycle programme in Nordic languages. At least 30 credits must be from the advanced level courses and include a research paper of at least 15 credits. Applicants must have good reading skills in the languages necessary for the completion of obligatory course work and in order to be able to participate actively in department seminars.
Specific entry requirements, Swedish as a second language: At least 120 higher education credits in Swedish as a second language, Nordic languages, or General linguistics are required for admission to the third-cycle programme. At least 30 credits must be from the advanced level courses and include a research paper of at least 15 credits. Applicants must have good reading skills in the languages necessary for the completion of obligatory course work and in order to be able to participate actively in department seminars.
Regulations for the evaluation of qualifications for education on a doctoral level are given in Higher Education Ordinance, SFS 1993: 100.
Instructions for applicants are available at: http://svenska.gu.se/english/education/doctoral-studies-third-cycle/instructions-to-applicants/
For further information, please contact:
Benjamin Lyngfelt, Professor of Swedish, Director of postgraduate studies
+4631-786 4472 (FU-antagning@svenska.gu.se)
24.879, Support: Norwegian Romani: PhD Student, University of Oslo, Norway
1) From: Elizabeth Lanza <elizabeth.lanza@iln.uio.no>
Subject: Norwegian Romani: PhD Student, University of Oslo, Norway
24.880, Support: Phonetics, Phonology, Genetic Classification, Sociolinguistics: PhD Student, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Netherlands
1) From: Angela Heuts <heuts@vw.mpi.nl>
Subject: Phonetics, Phonology, Genetic Classification, Sociolinguistics: PhD Student, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Netherlands
24.769, Support: Cognitive Science: PhD Student, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
1) From: Asifa Majid <asifa.majid@let.ru.nl>
Subject: Cognitive Science: PhD Student, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
24.731, TOC: Cognitive Science: PhD Student, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
1) From: Kaisa Ranta <kaisa.ranta@helsinki.fi>
Subject: Cognitive Science: PhD Student, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
24.715, Support: Anthropological Linguistics: PhD Student, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
1) From: Asifa Majid <asifa.majid@let.ru.nl>
Subject: Anthropological Linguistics: PhD Student, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
24.671, Support: Anthropological Linguistics: PhD Student, James Cook University Australia, Australia
1) From: Alexandra Aikhenvald <Alexandra.Aikhenvald@jcu.edu.au>
Subject: Anthropological Linguistics: PhD Student, James Cook University Australia, Australia
24.569, Support: Frisian, Comp Ling, Historical Ling, Lang Doc, Psycholing, Socioling: PhD Student, Fryske Akademy / UCF/University of Amsterdam/ACLC, Netherlands
1) From: University of Amsterdam ACLC <aclc-fgw@uva.nl>
Subject: Frisian, Comp Ling, Historical Ling, Lang Doc, Psycholing, Socioling: PhD Student, Fryske Akademy / UCF/University of Amsterdam/ACLC, Netherlands
24.506, Support: English, Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Science: PhD Student, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, China
1) From: Geoff HALL <geoff.hall@nottingham.edu.cn>
Subject: English, Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Science: PhD Student, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, China
24.505, Support: English, Discourse Analysis, Sociolinguistics: PhD Student, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, China
1) From: Geoff HALL <geoff.hall@nottingham.edu.cn>
Subject: English, Discourse Analysis, Sociolinguistics: PhD Student, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, China
24.461, Support: Psycholinguistics, Sentence Processing: PhD Student, University of Oldenburg, Germany
1) From: Esther Ruigendijk <esther.ruigendijk@uni-oldenburg.de>
Subject: Psycholinguistics, Sentence Processing: PhD Student, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Centre for Research in Education and Educational Technology (CREET)
Based in Milton Keynes, UK
Postgraduate Research Studentships (PhD)
The Centre for Research in Education and Educational Technology (CREET) is offering a limited number of fully funded and partially funded full-time PhD studentships. Half-funded studentships are also available for applicants who have already secured an external sponsor and you should indicate this in your application when you apply. Applicants who are able to fully fund themselves are very welcome to apply to CREET.
The three-year research studentships provide a maintenance grant of £13,590 per year (2013 rate) and all academic fees are covered.
You should have a Masters degree in education, psychology, applied linguistics, computer science, education or another appropriate discipline.
CREET offers you a unique opportunity to study the theory, application and practice of Education, Child & Youth Studies Technology Enhanced Learning, and Languages and Literacies with guidance from world-class experts in the field. If you feel that the challenge of research in this exciting and interesting area is for you and you have the drive and intellectual curiosity to pursue postgraduate research, then we look forward to hearing from you!
The Centre for Research in Education and Educational Technology, at the Open University has an international reputation for the quality of its research and its teaching. Part of our success is due to the importance we attach to our postgraduate research students. Providing research students with a supportive environment and excellent research facilities ensures a future supply of first class researchers.
The Open University is one of the UK’s leading research institutions. In the 2008 RAE over 50% of its research was rated as “world leading” or “internationally excellent”.
There is currently a vibrant international community of students studying our PhD programme. The Open University provides excellent support for students and offers a full range of training in computer, library and presentation skills. The studentships are full time. Students will be based at the Milton Keynes campus and are expected to live within commuting distance of Milton Keynes.
Further information, including more details of CREET research, can be found at http://creet.open.ac.uk.
For information on how to apply for the studentships go to http://www3.open.ac.uk/employment/, contact the research school research-degrees-creet@open.ac.uk, call Anne Foward, Student Coordinator, on 01908 655364 or e-mail CREET-student-enquiries@open.ac.uk.
Closing date: 3 March 2013. Interviews will commence in May 2013.
Equal Opportunity is University Policy.
24.450, Jobs: Multiple Languages; Language Acquisition; Bilingualism, Language Impairment: Research Asst/Doctoral Student, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
1) From: Cornelia Hamann <cornelia.hamann@uni-oldenburg.de>
Subject: Multiple Languages; Language Acquisition; Bilingualism, Language Impairment: Research Assistant/Doctoral Student, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
24.412, Support: General Linguistics: PhD Student, University of Bielefeld, Germany
1) From: Henrike Wanke <henrike.wanke@uni-bielefeld.de>
Subject: General Linguistics: PhD Student, University of Bielefeld, Germany
24.97, Support: Computational Linguistics, Genetic Classification, Historical Linguistics, Typology: PhD Student, University of Tuebingen, Germany
1) From: Gerhard Jäger <gerhard.jaeger@uni-tuebingen.de>
Subject: Computational Linguistics, Genetic Classification, Historical Linguistics, Typology: PhD Student, University of Tuebingen, Germany
24.94, Support: General Linguistics, German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese: PhD Student, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany
1) From: Janina Zimmermann <janina.zimmermann@uni-tuebingen.de>
Subject: General Linguistics, German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese: PhD Student, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany
24.75, Support: Sociolinguistics, Aslian, Mon-Khmer, Sino-Tibetan, Austronesian, Timor-Alor-Pantar: PhD Student, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
1) From: Frantisek Kratochvil <fkratochvil@ntu.edu.sg>
Subject: Sociolinguistics, Aslian, Mon-Khmer, Sino-Tibetan, Austronesian, Timor-Alor-Pantar: PhD Student, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
24.72, Support: General Linguistics: PhD Student, University of Oxford, UK
1) From: Philomen Probert <philomen.probert@wolfson.ox.ac.uk>
Subject: General Linguistics: PhD Student, University of Oxford, UK
24.60, Support: Language Documentation, Austro-Asiatic, Tibeto-Burman, Makasai-Alor-Pantar: PhD Student, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
1) From: Alexander Coupe <arcoupe@ntu.edu.sg>
Subject: Language Documentation, Austro-Asiatic, Tibeto-Burman, Makasai-Alor-Pantar: PhD Student, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
PhD studentships are available for the doctoral program in Cognitive Science at Central European University (CEU).
Department of Cognitive Science at CEU invites applications for
doctoral student positions starting in September 2013. This is a
research-based training program in human cognition with social cognition and learning as core themes. Research
topics include cooperation, communication, social learning, cultural
transmission, embodied cognition, joint action, developmental social
cognition, strategic decision-making, problem solving, visual cognition, sensory and statistical learning, visual psychophysics, computational
neuroscience, and social cognitive neuroscience. Students will follow
courses in cognitive psychology, philosophy of mind, cognitive
anthropology, computational cognition and linguistics, and will receive
practical research training in the laboratories of the members of this
new department.?
Admission criteria
Applicants are expected to hold an internationally recognized
Master?s or comparable degree in the standard disciplines that
constitute cognitive science. A comparable degree in other Social
Sciences, Humanities, or other disciplines will also be considered in
case of an excellent academic record.?We will consider the applications
of exceptional students who only hold a Bachelor degree, provided it is
in a discipline closely associated to cognitive science.
Application materials
As part of their application package, applicants must submit the following materials as general CEU requirements:
1. The completed Online Application Form 2013/2014?
2. A curriculum vitae?or resume, including a list of publications, if any
3. Proof of English proficiency (please see CEU Language Requirements here)
4. Two letters of recommendation
5. Academic records – please see?http://www.ceu.hu/admissions/apply#3?.
A Department of?Cognitive Science would like to add the following departmental specific requirements:
1. a research proposal of 1000 to 2000 words. The research proposal
should include the research questions, aims and objectives of a research project that is related to the ongoing work in?the department. The
proposal should situate the project in the context of the existing
literature, be clear as to the expected academic contribution, and
outline possible appropriate analytical frameworks and methodologies.
Note that, if admitted, students will not be expected to pursue the
research project as it is outlined in the proposal (though it may form
the basis of their doctoral work). The submitted research proposal will
be used during the application process to assess the applicant's
understanding of what doing research in cognitive science entails.
We?encourage applicants to consult the website and approach
appropriate members of the faculty in advance in order to check the
suitability of their research plans.
Further details on admissions, please seehttp://www.ceu.hu/admissions. (Detailed information about the Admissions Process and Admission Decisions are also available there.)
Application deadline:
* January 24, 2013, 24:00 Pacific Standard Time (PST): General application deadline for?the PhD program??
Key admission dates for 2013/2014?
* February 16,?2013, 24:00 Pacific Standard Time (PST): standard test scores (TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, etc.) must be received
* Late March (date TBA):?CEU-administeredinstitutional TOEFL test held at all CEU test locations
* April?1, 2013: admissions decisions made known to candidates online
Track your status
In order to learn the decision about your application to CEU, please login to your online application?, and click "Track your status".
note that in case you have applied to multiple programs, you will have a
separate decision displayed in each application you have submitted.
Financial Aid: please go here for information about CEU financial aid packages.?
Acceptance by Order of Student Choice
Candidates may apply to two separate CEU departments, and must
indicate their preferred and alternate department in all their
applications. If an applicant is rejected by their preferred department, but accepted by the alternate one they will be offered admission by the alternate department. If the applicant is accepted by both, an
admission offer will be made by the preferred department, not both. In
exceptional cases, and upon written justification, applicants may be
permitted to change the order of their preference ? notifying the CEU
Admissions Office by?February 16, 2013.