Center for Applied Linguistics Webinar
Responsible AI in Assessment
Sep 10, 2024 04:00 PM Eastern US Time
AI offers significant opportunities for assessments by enabling secure, remote tests that expand access. However, it also poses risks, including the potential for new cheating behaviors, such as using generative AI tools like ChatGPT for writing assistance. As these AI capabilities continue to disrupt traditional assessment methods, integrating Responsible AI (RAI) practices into assessment development and policy becomes crucial. RAI is a global concern, and governments around the world have developed guidelines aimed at mitigating potential harms associated with AI. These guidelines are grounded in ethical principles and aim to identify risks and develop practices that uphold the quality of tests. The webinar will highlight the need to further develop and expand RAI principles for assessment practices.
Register here:
The NYSAFLT conference is coming to Syracuse!!

Zhongfeng Tian (Rutgers University – Newark) and Nicole King (Rochester University) are excited to share this upcoming book launch event “Developing Translanguaging Repertoires in Critical Teacher Education”, co-sponsored by AERA SIGs – Second Language Research (SLR) and Language and Social Processes (LSP), Rutgers University, and the University of Rochester. If you’re interested in learning more about this work and chatting with the editors & authors, we welcome you to join us on September 28, 4 – 5:30 pm US eastern time. We have designed this event to be interactive and there’ll be a book raffle in the end. More information is in the attached flyer (and below).
To register:
To learn more about this book:
The Applied Linguistics and TESOL Program at Teachers College, Columbia University cordially invites you to our yearly signature event, Apple Lecture Series 2023. APPLE stands for APPlied Linguistics and Language Education, and the series aims to engender lively, professional dialogue on important issues in the ELT community.
Our second talk, featuring Dr. Ehsan Hoque from University of Rochester, is scheduled to take place on Friday, April 7th from 4:00pm-6:00pm (EST). Dr. Hoque will deliver a talk titled: “When can AI improve our social skills?” For full bio, abstract, and registration, please follow this link:
Registration for the first webinar is open now:
Learning at, from, and with the art museum: A multiliteracies perspective presented by Christelle Palpacuer-Lee, Associate Teaching Professor in Language Education at the Rutgers Graduate School of EducationTuesday, February 28th , 10:00 am to 11:30 am (Arizona). To see what time that is where you are, click here.
Details and a link to register:
The Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL<>) at the University of Arizona invites language teachers to attend any of the FREE upcoming Professional Development webinars in our series, Multiliteracies Takes on Language Teaching. Participants can receive a certificate with 1.5 hours of professional development for each of these 90-minute events, and digital badges are available as well. Information about the full series is here:
Registration for the first webinar is open now:
Learning at, from, and with the art museum: A multiliteracies perspective <>presented by Christelle Palpacuer-Lee, Associate Teaching Professor in Language Education at the Rutgers Graduate School of EducationTuesday, February 28th , 10:00 am to 11:30 am (Arizona).To see what time that is where you are, click here<><>.
Details and a link to register:
Questions? Contact us at:<>
The National Foreign Language Resource Center is pleased to announce the opening of its free Envisioning Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) MOOC.
Envisioning Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) is designed as a 5-moduleopen-enrollment self-study course for language educators beginning to learn about Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL). Successful learners will be able to describe essential features of high quality PBLL and to generate high-quality ideas for projects using the Product Square. A digital badge is available for candidates fulfilling course requirements.Registration and the content for this MOOC (massive open online course) is FREE. 2022-2023 Offering
- Registration open October 22, 2022 – February 24, 2023
- Course open from October 22, 2022 – March 31, 2023
For more information or to register, visit our Envisioning PBLL webpage.
NU 1st Annual International Symposium for English Language Teaching – The Challenges and Opportunities of the Post-Covid English Classroom: Returning to Campus.
The English Department at Nile University is delighted to invite English language teachers and researchers from around the globe to join NU 1st Annual International Symposium for English Language Teaching – The Challenges and Opportunities of the Post-Covid English Classroom: Returning to Campus. The symposium will be held online via Zoom on Saturday 29/10/2022 from 10:45 am to 3:30 pm (CLT).
The Department is thrilled to have Nathan Waller, Teacher Trainer (MENA) – Macmillan Education as our plenary speaker for this year.
Nathan Waller is the lead teacher trainer for Macmillan Education in the MENA region. With a background in Child Development and Social and Cultural Anthropology, he has 15 years of experience in education, starting in Early Years education and Special Educational Needs (SEN) support in the UK before teaching English in Oman, Egypt, Qatar and Vietnam. He also worked as a teacher trainer in Malaysia and IELTS examiner in China, finally moving to Dubai in 2016 to work in educational publishing.
To register:
Technology for Second Language Learning Conference, Iowa State University
You are welcome to join the hybrid 2022 Technology for Second Language Learning Conference, “Learning English Online: Research for Course Design” virtually or in-person at Iowa State University on October 14-15, 2022. Learn more about the conference and the free registration at
Intermountain TESOL Fall Virtual Conference on Friday, September 23 | |
The Intermountain TESOL Fall Virtual Conference on Friday, September 23 11 am – 2 pm EST (U.S.) Cost: $10 Plenary Speaker: Dr. James Hunter, Director of TESOL Programs, Gonzaga University Register at Home | Intermountain TESOL |
An upcoming webinar “Paradigmatic Tensions in Translanguaging Theory and Practice in Teacher Education“, sponsored by the AERA Bilingual Education Research SIG.
Date/Time: Oct. 27, 7:00 – 8:30 PM ET Registration Link:
Karen Beeman and Cheryl Urow, the authors of Teaching for Biliteracy: Strengthening Bridges between Languages, are offering more professional development opportunities through both asynchronous (pre-recorded webinars) and synchronous (live, interactive, online professional development) sessions:
- Advanced Topics in Teaching for Biliteracy
March 9 & 10, 2022
Advanced Topics in Teaching for Biliteracy is a two-day online institute designed specifically for educators who have attended previous professional development with the Center for Teaching for Biliteracy and who are looking for more information about strategies for teaching for biliteracy and about the Bridge for biliteracy. - Moving to Biliteracy: Biliteracy and Dual Language Program Development
April 27 & 28, 2022
Moving to Biliteracy: Biliteracy and Dual Language Program Development is a two-day online institute designed for district-level or school-level teams looking to implement or re-focus biliteracy and dual language programs and instruction. This highly interactive institute will focus on developing and supporting one-way dual language, two-way dual language, dual language immersion, and maintenance and late exit bilingual programs. - Teaching for Biliteracy Two-Day Online Institute
May 11 & 12, 2022
Through both asynchronous (pre-recorded webinars) and synchronous (live, interactive, online professional development) sessions, the Center for Teaching for Biliteracy team will guide participants through sample biliteracy instruction, systems and structures to support teaching for biliteracy, and the Bridge between languages.
If you are interested in registering, please reach out to the Center for Teaching for Biliteracy at or register online at
Center for Applied Linguistics
The Final Webinar in Our 2021 Series!
What have we learned about “digital equity” during this school year? What practices can we keep –and shed– that will continue to advance digital equity and language justice? What might language education look like in 2022? As the Center for Applied Linguistics wraps up its webinar series for 2021, Research to Policy: Critical Conversation in Language Education, we will take stock of lessons learned during the pandemic, and how we might apply them to 2022. On Tuesday, December 7th, join Maria Cieslak, Dr. Beatriz Arias, and Dr. Keira Ballantyne for this live, 30-minute discussion about the future of language education and digital equity.*This webinar will be recorded*
International House Cairo …
announces its November weekly professional development webinars. Expert trainers from around the world present every week a topic of interest to all language teachers. Come and join us in November
Title: How to adapt materials for online lessons. Speaker: Sandy Mills. Date: Monday, November 8th, 2021 at 11 am Egypt time.Register…/tZIodOmhrD4pGdGr9KdS5…Submit your Questions for this Session…
Title: How to access meaningful CPD for busy teachers. Speaker: Fiona Dunlop. Date: Sunday, November 14th, 2021 at 11 am Egypt time. Register…/tZYrduiupz4tHdcKXB4BpcT8_sH0… Submit your Questions for this Session…
Title: How to write SMART Objectives. Speaker: Noha Abu Karam Date: Sunday, November 21st, 2021 at 11 am Egypt time. Register…/tZctce2qpjgrHtZh0WmmFkaPnYmPh…Submit your Questions for this Session…
Title: Assessment for Learning– Light at the End of the Tunnel. Speaker: Iskra Stamenkoska. Date: Sunday, November 28th, 2021 at 11 am Egypt time. Register…/tZMpceGpqzsvG9fWfS3…Submit your Questions for this Session…
English in a Multilingual World
A conversation with Constant Leung and Francis Hult , Friday, April 23, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, Online – Eastern US Time
How can the power of English be balanced with respect for linguistic diversity? In this session, Constant Leung and Francis Hult discuss the state of English in the world today and the social responsibility of English language educators who teach multilingual student populations.
Free Registration by e-mail to
English Language Day is recognized by the United Nations each year on April 23rd. UN language days aim to raise awareness about global multilingualism and cultural diversity.
Constant Leung is Professor of Educational Linguistics at King’s College London. His research interests include academic literacies, additional/second language teaching and assessment, language education policy, and teacher professional development. He is Co-Editor of Language Assessment Quarterly, Editor of Research Issues of TESOL Quarterly, and serves as a member of the Editorial Boards of Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, Language and Education, and the Modern Language Journal. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (UK). His work in developing the English as an Additional Language Assessment Framework for Schools (funded by the Bell Foundation) won the 2018 British Council ELTons international award for innovation.
Francis M. Hult is Professor and Director of the TESOL program at UMBC. His work at the crossroads of sociolinguistics, discourse studies, and education focuses on language policy, linguistic landscapes, and multilingual education. He serves on the boards of several journals including International Multilingual Research Journal; Language, Culture and Curriculum; Language Policy; and Pedagogical Linguistics. His books include Educational Linguistics in Practice (with King) and Language Policy and Language Acquisition Planning (with Siiner and Kupisch). He is editor of the Educational Linguistics book series for Springer, and together with Ofelia García he edits the Contributions to the Sociology of Language book series for De Gruyter.
CERLL Webinars in April / May
The next CCERBAL forum “Language attitudes, intergenerational language transmission, and family language policy in Quebec” by Ruth Kircher of the University of London will take place on Friday, February 26, at noon. This virtual mode presentation will be offered in English. Visit our website for the abstract by Professor Ruth Kircher.
Time: from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. Place: online presentation on Zoom Language of presentation: English |
If you would like to attend this event, please register.
We will provide the Zoom link by email upon registration confirmation.
On Tuesday, February 9th at 4PM, our Elementary Education SIG presents Quick Tips for Language Teachers: Highlights from NYSTESOL 2020 Conference. During these three brief interactive presentations, teachers will learn ways to support language learning as a meaning-making function: leveraging multilingualism through guided reading, the explicit teaching of language registers, and making complex language forms accessible to young learners through writing and speaking. There will be opportunities for discussion and suggestions for applications to daily classroom tasks. Register here. (1 CTLE credit)
And also on Tuesday, February 9th at 4:30, our Special Education SIG will host Culturally Responsive & Sustaining Pedagogy: Considering Disability in the Classroom. Through digital collaborative discussions, participants will: (1) Define and engage layers of cultural knowledge related to disability through self-study and case study; (2) Describe four key elements of culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogy; (3) Explore next steps and strategies for transformative practice. Register here. (1 CTLE credit)
On Wednesday, February 10th at 4PM, Dr. Lisa Auslander and Virginia Skrelja present Online Strategies for Engaging SIFE and Newcomer ELs. Join members of CUNY Bridges to Academic Success fan hour-long session focusing on remote learning strategies to engage SIFE & Newcomers by integrating social-emotional learning into literacy instruction. This session shares ways to integrate brain breaks and video to engage students in self-regulation in the remote or hybrid classroom. In addition, participants will also learn how to implement “hot seat” with SIFE & Newcomers. This engaging protocol has students extend understanding and language as well as take on others’ perspectives. Register here. (1 CTLE credit)
And on Thursday, February 11th at 3pm, join our Long Island region team for Exploring Long Island’s Gems from the Comfort of our Classrooms; A Virtual & Linguistic Adventure. It is our goal to create a 3-part series of opportunities to learn more about any LONG ISLAND HIDDEN GEMS that will support curriculum and enhance our students’ academic and linguistic development. We want to shine light on any local organizations or museums that are ready to virtually present to your students in a fun, motivating and culturally responsive way! Please join us for a planning session to brainstorm and share any information you have or desire to have so that we can begin the planning of the 3-part series. Register here. (1 CTLE credit)
TESOL CALL-IS cordially invites you to attend the FREE webinar “OER Movement for Social Justice and English Language Teaching” with Dr. Ebba Ossiannilsson.
Date: Saturday February 20, 2021
Time: 9:00 am EST / 2:00 pm GMT
Please join this webinar from your computer, tablet or smartphone. Register in advance for this meeting:…
Use the following time converter to find the time of this webinar in your country: Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator

Webinar: Exploring Multimodal Literacies through the Linguistic Landscape in the L2 Classroom
Wednesday, March 3 2021, 10-11:30AM (Arizona)
Presented by Sebastien Dubreil, Carnegie Mellon University.
Webinar: Reading Multimodally: Guiding L2 Learners to Interpret Everyday Web Texts
Wednesday, April 7 2021, 4-5:30PM (Arizona)
Presented by Kristen Michelson, Texas Tech University.
Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca
Northern Arizona University
Acurricular initiative born from the collaboration of the nine language programs at Fordham’s Modern Languages and Literatures Department invites you to attend the related events.
The first one is a round table on Representing Anti-Blackness in Language today (Wednesday) at 2:30 pm ET. The registration link is:
Speakers come from a variety of linguistic backgrounds.
About the MLL Vocab Diversity Initiative
In response to the death of George Floyd and a call for action around the world the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures with generous support from Rafael Zapata, Chief Diversity Officer and the Office of The Chief Diversity Officer, proposed a collaborative overhaul of our language syllabi over the summer and a series of round tables this fall to address the systemic racism, classism, and sexism that arise from vocabulary and its representation.
How does language, and the way we and our textbooks present and represent language/vocabulary in the classroom, create, reinforce, and normalize certain forms of bias, stereotype, and prejudice? For example, what is the vocabulary that we provide to students to discuss “the family” or “professions”? Why are only certain entities represented, how are they presented, what is the message implicitly being conveyed to students about the societies and cultures they are learning about? How have these groupings of words and their representations changed at different historical moments and in different regions where these languages are studied?
- This fall semester, courses 1001-1502 in all languages will begin to address these problematic issues of language vocabulary teaching with the Vocab Diversity Initiative.
- This initiative, which is funded by the Office of the Chief Diversity Officer, Rafael Zapata, integrates classroom vocabulary activities, readings, talks, and workshops throughout the semester that examine questions of diversity and inclusion regarding race, gender, class, sexuality, and disability (among other topics).
- With this initiative, we aim to build a collective lexicon and knowledge base that enable our students, at all levels and for all languages, to discuss and reflect on the diverse world our languages are used in as well as the histories of some of these words.
- The classroom component is built directly into the common syllabi for 1001-1502 courses..
- Workshops and talks are intended for students in all languages and levels.
October 28: Representations of Anti-Blackness and White Supremacy in Languages
(Allison Blakely, Isabelle Boni-Claverie, Tanya Hernández, Avishai Yeganyahu Mekonen)
November 4: Exploding the (Gender) Binary
(Vera Gheno, Kiki Kosnick, Joy Ladin, João Nemi Neto)
November 18: Food: Colonial Legacies
(Suzanne Cope, Isaie Dougnon, Pierre Thiam)
December 2: Do You Have an Accent?
(Elaine Chun, Evangelia Manatou, Yossi Zabari)
Each roundtable starts at 2:30 ET and lasts one hour. The event is open to the public through registration.
Online Symposium of the German Research Cluster
Language Education and Multilingualism
on 3-4 December 2020
Location: Online
Dear colleagues and friends,
From 2013-2020 the research cluster Language Education and Multilingualism aimed to increase knowledge about language development and learning under the multilingual conditions of a migration society. Following the United States and Saudi Arabia, Germany is the country with the third highest number of international migrants. An increasing number of young people thus grow up speaking a language other than or alongside German in their families. Moreover, all young people in this globalised society are expected to acquire foreign-language skills in education. So, what are the consequences of multilingualism for development, education, and skills?
Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the projects of the cluster have focused on fundamental questions concerning multilingualism as a resource for learning and have tested the effectiveness of their research findings in educational practice.
On 3-4 December, we will share the design and research results of the projects
and discuss the implications of these findings for multilingual development.
You can look forward to presentations on the following topics:
v Multilingualism as a cognitive resource in foreign-language acquisition
v Fostering multilingualism for regular subject (i.e. non-language) learning
v Intercultural school development
v Approaches to support reading skills in heterogeneous learner groups
v The interrelation between writing skills in the different languages of bi-/multilingual pupils
v Longitudinal observations on bi- and multilingual development in education
Please register for this event at
We will then send an email confirming your registration. Once you are fully registered, you will receive an email with the conference link and password shortly before the conference.
We kindly ask you not to share these details with anybody else. Of course, you may share the link for registration with interested colleagues. All conference participants must register in advance.
May 2019
- 3-5 (Europe) 28th BETA Annual International Conference, “Changing the World One Class at a Time: Getting Through to Students,” Bulgaria. Email:
- 6-7 (Africa) CINELTA Conference, “Taking Ivorian ELT into the 21st Century,” Cote D’Ivoire. Email:
- 10-11 (South America) ARTESOL 2019,”Navigating Towards the Future: Meeting the Challenges in EFL,” Argentina. Email:
- 16-18 (South America) TESOL Colombia Conference 2019, “Going beyond theory: Rejuvenating literacies, culture & language pedagogy,” Colombia. Email
- 17-18 (Europe) Innovate ELT, “Back to the Future,” Spain. Email:
- 24 (Europe and Asia) 5th International Conference on Second Language Studies (ICSLS-2019), “Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies in Language Learning and Teaching,” Turkey. Email:
- 30-1 June (North America) Eleventh International Conference on Language Teacher Education, “Society, Identity, and Transformation in Language Teacher Education,” Minnesota, USA. Email:
- 31-2 June (Asia) JALTCALL2019, “AI and Machine Learning in Language Education,” Japan. Email:
June 2019
- 1 (Asia) Confluence: An ensemble of ELT Pedagogies, Hong Kong. Email:
- 28-29 (Central America) HELTA TESOL 5th Annual Conference, “New Trends and Pedagogic Paradigms in ELT,” Honduras. Email:
July 2019
- 3-4 (Asia) 8th ETAI International ‘Anniversary’ Conference, “40 Years of Sharing Ideas,” Israel. Email:
- 3-5 (Central America) ACPI-TESOL COSTA RICA, “Competencies and Teaching Practices for Effective Performance,” Costa Rica. Email:
- 17-20 (South America) SOUTHERNCONE TESOL Conference 2019, “Confluence for Influence,” Brazil. Email:
- 26 (Asia) VUS TESOL Conference 2019, “ELT 4.0: The Era of Automation and Productivity,” Vietnam. Email:
- 31-2 Aug (South America) Peru TESOL Association XXVII Annual Convention, “Instructional Design to Inspire Learners,” Peru. Email:
August 2019
- 8-10 (Asia) GLoCALL 2019, “Globalization & Localization in CALL,” Vietnam. Email:
- 9-13 (Asia) The Fifth Exensive Reading World Congress, “Entering the Gates of Fluency,” Taiwan. Email:
- 20-21 (Asia) 2019 Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics International Conference, “Enhancing Intercultural Competencies in the EFL Classroom,” South Korea. Email:
- 23-25 (Africa) 6th International Conference on Language and Literacy Education, “University of the Witwatersrand, Wits School of Education,” South Africa. Email:
- 30-1 Sept. (Asia) CLIL 2019: Content and Language Integrated Learning Conference, “Taking an Integrated Approach to Teaching Content and Language in English Medium Universities,” China. Email:
September 2019
- 4-5 (Europe) ICSD 2019 : 7th International Conference on Sustainable Development, Italy. Email
- 19 (North America) VATESOL 2019 Conference, “Transforming Education for ELs: Equity, Advocacy, & Academic Success,” Virginia, USA. Email:
- 27-28 (North America) 2019 CALT Regional Conference, “Classroom Language Assessment,” Montana, USA. Email:
October 2019
- 3-4 (Europe) 4th English for Healthcare Conference, “Teaching and Learning English for Healthcare and Medicine,” Spain. Email:
- 11-12 (North America) Intermountain TESOL Annual Conference, “Engaged Teaching and Engaged Learning,” Utah, USA. Email:
- 12-13 (Asia) 2019 Korea TESOL International Conference, “Advancing ELT: Blending Disciplines, Approaches, and Technologies,” South Korea. Email:
- 15-18 (North America) WIDA 2019 Annual Conference, “Teaching for Equity in a Multilingual World,” Rhode Island, USA. Email:
- 15-18 (Europe) Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education (ICLHE) 2019, “Multilingualism and Multimodality in Higher Education,” Spain. Email:
November 2019
- 1-2 (North America) 2019 Puerto Rico TESOL Convention, “PRTESOL 5.0: Vision, Voice and Vehicle of a Vibrant Vocation,” Puerto Rico. Email:
- 1-4 (Asia) JALT2019, “Teacher Efficacy, Learner Agency,” Japan. Email:
- 6 (North America) Pre-Conference Institute K-12 Dream Day and Educators of Adult English Learners SETESOL, “Future Tense: Entering an Age of Empowerment,” Florida, USA. Email:
- 7-9 (North America) 2019 Southeast Regional TESOL Conference, “Future Tense: Entering the Age of Empowerment,” Florida, USA. Email:
- 9 (North America) Maryland TESOL 39th Annual Fall Conference, “Learner Agency: Engage, Educate, Empower,” Maryland, USA. Email:
- 14-16 (North America) NYS TESOL 49th Annual Conference, “Strategies for Success: Supporting English/Multi-Language Learners in All Learning Environments,” New York, USA. Email:
- 14-16 (Asia) 19th International INGED ELT Conference, “Outside the Box,” Turkey. Email:
- 20-23 (Asia) TESOL-NELTA Regional Conference and Symposium 2019, “Ecological Approach to ELT: Prospects and Challenges,” Nepal. Email:
- 29-1 Dec (Europe) TESOL France Annual Colloquium, “Making Waves,” France. Email:
December 2019
- 5-6 (North America) TESL Ontario 47th Annual Conference, “Cultivating Innovation and Inclusion,” Canada. Email:
February 2020
- 1-2 (Asia) The Fourth Annual International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature. Iran. Email:
March 2020
- 13-14 (North America) Hawaiʻi International Conference on English Language and Literature Studies (HICELLS), “Trends in Research and Pedagogical Innovations in English Language and Literature,” Hawaii, USA. Email:
- 31-3 April (North America) TESOL 2020 International Convention & English Language Expo. Denver, Colorado, USA. Email:
March 2021
- 23-26 (North America) TESOL 2021 International Convention & English Language Expo. Houston, Texas, USA. Email:
March 2022
- 22-25 (North America) TESOL 2022 International Convention & English Language Expo. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Email:
March 2023
- 21-24 (North America) TESOL 2023 International Convention & English Language Expo. Portland, Oregon, USA. Email:
April 2019
- 8-10 (Europe and Asia) International Language Teacher Education (ILTERG) Conference, “Language Teacher Education and English Language Teaching,” Turkey. Email:
- 17-19 (Asia) PELLTA 9th, “English Language Learning and Teaching in the Digital Era,” Malasya. Email:
- 25-26 (Europe) 7th International ELT Conference, “CLIL and ELT: Changing English, Changing Content,” Estonia. Email:
May 2019
- 3-5 (Europe) 28th BETA Annual International Conference, “Changing the World One Class at a Time: Getting Through to Students,” Bulgaria. Email:
- 6-7 (Africa) CINELTA Conference, “Taking Ivorian ELT into the 21st Century,” Cote D’Ivoire. Email:
- 10-11 (South America) ARTESOL 2019,”Navigating Towards the Future: Meeting the Challenges in EFL,” Argentina. Email:
- 16-18 (South America) TESOL Colombia Conference 2019, “Going beyond theory: Rejuvenating literacies, culture & language pedagogy,” Colombia. Email
- 17-18 (Europe) Innovate ELT, “Back to the Future,” Spain. Email:
- 24 (Europe and Asia) 5th International Conference on Second Language Studies (ICSLS-2019), “Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies in Language Learning and Teaching,” Turkey. Email:
- 30-1 June (North America) Eleventh International Conference on Language Teacher Education, “Society, Identity, and Transformation in Language Teacher Education,” Minnesota, USA. Email:
- 31-2 June (Asia) JALTCALL2019, “AI and Machine Learning in Language Education,” Japan. Email:
June 2019
- 1 (Asia) Confluence: An ensemble of ELT Pedagogies, Hong Kong. Email:
- 28-29 (Central America) HELTA TESOL 5th Annual Conference, “New Trends and Pedagogic Paradigms in ELT,” Honduras. Email:
July 2019
- 3-4 (Asia) 8th ETAI International ‘Anniversary’ Conference, “40 Years of Sharing Ideas,” Israel. Email:
- 3-5 (Central America) ACPI-TESOL COSTA RICA, “Competencies and Teaching Practices for Effective Performance,” Costa Rica. Email:
- 17-20 (South America) SOUTHERNCONE TESOL Conference 2019, “Confluence for Influence,” Brazil. Email:
- 26 (Asia) VUS TESOL Conference 2019, “ELT 4.0: The Era of Automation and Productivity,” Vietnam. Email:
August 2019
- 8-10 (Asia) GLoCALL 2019, “Globalization & Localization in CALL,” Vietnam. Email:
- 9-13 (Asia) The Fifth Exensive Reading World Congress, “Entering the Gates of Fluency,” Taiwan. Email:
- 20-21 (Asia) 2019 Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics International Conference, “Enhancing Intercultural Competencies in the EFL Classroom,” South Korea. Email:
- 23-25 (Africa) 6th International Conference on Language and Literacy Education, “University of the Witwatersrand, Wits School of Education,” South Africa. Email:
September 2019
- 4-5 (Europe) ICSD 2019 : 7th International Conference on Sustainable Development, Italy. Email
- 19 (North America) VATESOL 2019 Conference, “Transforming Education for ELs: Equity, Advocacy, & Academic Success,” Virginia, USA. Email:
- 27-28 (North America) 2019 CALT Regional Conference, “Classroom Language Assessment,” Montana, USA. Email:
October 2019
- 3-4 (Europe) 4th English for Healthcare Conference, “Teaching and Learning English for Healthcare and Medicine,” Spain. Email:
- 11-12 (North America) Intermountain TESOL Annual Conference, “Engaged Teaching and Engaged Learning,” Utah, USA. Email:
- 12-13 (Asia) 2019 Korea TESOL International Conference, “Advancing ELT: Blending Disciplines, Approaches, and Technologies,” South Korea. Email:
- 15-18 (North America) WIDA 2019 Annual Conference, “Teaching for Equity in a Multilingual World,” Rhode Island, USA. Email:
- 15-18 (Europe) Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education (ICLHE) 2019, “Multilingualism and Multimodality in Higher Education,” Spain. Email:
November 2019
- 1-2 (North America) 2019 Puerto Rico TESOL Convention, “PRTESOL 5.0: Vision, Voice and Vehicle of a Vibrant Vocation,” Puerto Rico. Email:
- 1-4 (Asia) JALT2019, “Teacher Efficacy, Learner Agency,” Japan. Email:
- 7-9 (North America) 2019 Southeast Regional TESOL Conference, “Future Tense: Entering the Age of Empowerment,” Florida, USA. Email:
- 9 (North America) Maryland TESOL 39th Annual Fall Conference, “Learner Agency: Engage, Educate, Empower,” Maryland, USA. Email:
- 14-16 (North America) NYS TESOL 49th Annual Conference, “Strategies for Success: Supporting English/Multi-Language Learners in All Learning Environments,” New York, USA. Email:
- 14-16 (Asia) 19th International INGED ELT Conference, “Outside the Box,” Turkey. Email:
- 29-1 Dec (Europe) TESOL France Annual Colloquium, “Making Waves,” France. Email:
December 2019
- 5-6 (North America) TESL Ontario 47th Annual Conference, “Cultivating Innovation and Inclusion,” Canada. Email:
March 2020
- 13-14 (North America) Hawaiʻi International Conference on English Language and Literature Studies (HICELLS), “Trends in Research and Pedagogical Innovations in English Language and Literature,” Hawaii, USA. Email:
- 31-3 April (North America) TESOL 2020 International Convention & English Language Expo. Denver, Colorado, USA. Email:
March 2021
- 23-26 (North America) TESOL 2021 International Convention & English Language Expo. Houston, Texas, USA. Email:
March 2022
- 22-25 (North America) TESOL 2022 International Convention & English Language Expo. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Email:
March 2023
- 21-24 (North America) TESOL 2023 International Convention & English Language Expo. Portland, Oregon, USA. Email:
Register Now! NYS TESOL Webinar- Mon Feb 25, 2019- 5pm-6pm -with gue
Fri Feb 15, 2019 8:52 am (PST) . Posted by:
*We’re Proud to Present our NYS TESOL Webinar Series!*
*Register for our first Webinar!*
*February 25, 2019*
*5pm-6pm (Eastern time)*
*Register here:*
** <>
January 2019
- 23-26 (Asia) CALA 2019 – Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology, “Revitalization and Representation,” Cambodia. Email
- 31-1 February (Asia) The Third International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics, Iran. Email
February 2019
- 15-17 (Asia) CamTESOL Conference, “Teachers as Learners,” Cambodia. Email:
- 23 (North America) 2019 BC TEAL Vancouver Island Regional Conference, “Navigating Change,” Canada. Email:
March 2019
- 7-9 (Asia) Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching (ALLT 2019) International Conference and Exhibition, “Engaging in Change: New Perspectives of Teaching and Learning,” United Arab Emirates. Email:
- 11 (North America) Black English Language Professionals and Friends Inaugural Symposium, “Empowering Black TESOL Professionals and English Learners,” Georgia, USA. Email:
- 12-15 (North America) TESOL 2019 International Convention and English Language Expo, Georgia, USA. Email
- 17 (Asia) 7th International Conference on New Trends in English Language Teaching and Testing, United Arab Emirates. Email:
April 2019
- 8-10 (Europe and Asia) International Language Teacher Education (ILTERG) Conference, “Language Teacher Education and English Language Teaching,” Turkey. Email:
- 17-19 (Asia) PELLTA 9th, “English Language Learning and Teaching in the Digital Era,” Malasya. Email:
- 25-26 (Europe) 7th International ELT Conference, “CLIL and ELT: Changing English, Changing Content,” Estonia. Email:
May 2019
- 16-18 (South America) TESOL Colombia Conference 2019, “Going beyond theory: Rejuvenating literacies, culture & language pedagogy,” Colombia. Email
- 24 (Europe and Asia) 5th International Conference on Second Language Studies (ICSLS-2019), “Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies in Language Learning and Teaching,” Turkey. Email:
- 30-1 June (North America) Eleventh International Conference on Language Teacher Education, “Society, Identity, and Transformation in Language Teacher Education,” Minnesota, USA. Email:
- 31-2 June (Asia) JALTCALL2019, “AI and Machine Learning in Language Education,” Japan. Email:
June 2019
- 28-29 (Central America) HELTA TESOL 5th Annual Conference, “New Trends and Pedagogic Paradigms in ELT,” Honduras. Email:
July 2019
- 3-4 (Asia) 8th ETAI International ‘Anniversary’ Conference, “40 Years of Sharing Ideas,” Israel. Email:
- 3-5 (Central America) ACPI-TESOL COSTA RICA, “Competencies and Teaching Practices for Effective Performance,” Costa Rica. Email:
September 2019
- 4-5 (Europe) ICSD 2019 : 7th International Conference on Sustainable Development, Italy. Email
October 2019
- 15-18 (North America) WIDA 2019 Annual Conference, “Teaching for Equity in a Multilingual World,” Rhode Island, USA. Email:
- 15-18 (Europe) Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education (ICLHE) 2019, “Multilingualism and Multimodality in Higher Education,” Spain. Email:
November 2019
- 1-4 (Asia) JALT2019, “Teacher Efficacy, Learner Agency,” Japan. Email:
Saturday, February 2, 2019
Goldstein Student Center, 401 Skytop Road Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY
9:15 -12:15 12:15-12:30
Registration & Breakfast Welcome & Announcements Mini-Workshops
Closing Remarks
LECNY, in partnership with The Department of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics of Syracuse University, will be facilitating its annual workshop to provide educators with the opportunity to network, learn and exchange ideas. Attendees will enjoy a series of mini-workshops of 10-15 minutes in length on a variety of topics and range of levels. This year some of our topics include The Writing Revolution, FlipGrid, Lingt, Logic Puzzles, Comprehensible Input, Project Based Learning and MORE! Stay tuned for a list of titles, descriptions and presenters. As always, LLL-LECNY is our most popular event and does not disappoint!
To register visit: fees are as follows until January 13:
$10 LECNY members
$25 Non-members
$5 Students/Pre-service Teachers
Registration fees increase January 14: $20 LECNY members
$35 Non-members
Payments may be made via the PayPal link located our website or by mailing a check made out to LECNY and sent to:
Jessica Keane
4248 Lyra Course Liverpool, NY 13090
The registration fee includes breakfast and the mini-workshops. Three-hours of in-service credit will be available via email following the event. The registration deadline is Friday, January 25, 2019. Registration is limited to the first 90 people that have paid the registration fee. Payment must be received by this date in order to be considered registered, we will not accept walk-ins.
Thurs Oct 4
Online Education Free conference: UK time:
LibGuides: OLLReN Annual Online Conference: 2018 Annual Conference
July 2018
- 4-6 (Central America) ACPI TESOL Convention 2018, “New Trends in Language Teaching Approaches, Assessment and Technology Mediated Learning,” Costa Rica. Email
- 5-7 (Europe) The 8th Conference on Linguistic and Intercultural Education – CLIE-2018, “Linguistic and Intercultural Education in the Global Village,” Romania. Email
- 5-7 (Africa) African Lake Zone English Language Consortium, “Innovate, Integrate and Connect Language Teaching,” Tanzania. Email
- 11-14 (Central America) HELTA Honduras TESOL Annual Conference, “Empowering TESOL Communities through Collaboration,” Honduras. Email
- 31-2 August (South America) The 26th Peru TESOL Association Annual Convention, “Creating Student Connections,” Peru. Email
August 2018
- 31 August-4 September (Europe) Linguistic Theory in Second and Foreign Language Teaching, “Applied Linguistics and Language Pedagogy,” Germany. Email
September 2018
- 4-5 (Asia) 3rd National Conference on New Trends in English Language Teaching and Testing, “New Trends in English Language Teaching and Testing,” Iran. Email
- 8 (Asia) 6th International Conference on New Trends in English Language Teaching and Testing, “New Trends in English Language Teaching and Testing,” Turkey. Email
- 12-13 (Europe) ICSD 2018 : 6th International Conference on Sustainable Development, “Sustainable Development,” Italy. Email
October 2018
- 2-5 (Oceania) ACTA Conference 2018, “English Language Learning in a Mobile World,” Australia. Email
- 5-7 (Oceania) CLESOL 2018, New Zealand. Email
- 8-10 (Europe) Individual Differences in Second Language Learning and Teaching II: The Individual and the Context, Poland. Email
- 12-13 (North America) AZTESOL State Conference, “Cultivating Community with AZTESOL,” Arizona, USA. Email
- 13-14 (Asia) The 26th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference, South Korea. Email
- 20 (Asia) 6th International Conference on Foreign Languages and Literature at Feng Chia, “Exploring the Uncharted Territories,” Taiwan. Email
- 25-28 (North America) MEXTESOL 45th International Convention, “A Groundbreaking Dawn in ELT,” Mexico. Email
- 26-27 (North America) MITESOL 2018 Conference, “Reaching All Learners,” Michigan, USA. Email
- 27 (North America) WITESOL Fall Conference, “Stand Up, Speak Out: Standing With Our Students,” Wisconsin, USA. Email
November 2018
- 1-2 (North America) TESL Ontario’s 46th Annual Conference, “Synergies of Language & Life,” Canada. Email
- 1-2 (North America) LaTESOL Conference and PACE Day, Louisiana, USA. Email
- 2-3 (North America) Colorado TESOL 42nd Fall Convention, “Engagement, Encouragement, Empowerment,” Colorado, USA. Email
- 2-3 (North America) PRTESOL 45th Annual Convention, “Relevant and Resilient: ESL Educators Impacting their Communities,” Puerto Rico. Email
- 3 (North America) NNETESOL Conference, New Hampshire, USA. Email
- 3-4 (North America) NYS TESOL Annual Conference, “Experience: The Heart of Teaching and Learning,” New York, USA. Email
- 8-10 (North America) CILEX 2018 International Conference on Foreign Languages, “Interculturality: Authentic Language – Open Dialogues,” Mexico. Email
- 10 (North America) Maryland TESOL 38th Annual Fall Conference, “Ways to Advocate for ELLs through Education and Our Community,” Maryland, USA. Email
- 15-17 (North America) Minnesota English Learner Education Conference, Minnesota, USA. Email
- 23-26 (Asia) JALT2018, “Diversity and Inclusion,” Japan. Email
- 25 (Oceania) 3rd Pronunciation Symposium, “Making Pronunciation Accessible,” Australia. Email
- 26-28 (Oceania) 2018 Applied Linguistics Association of Australia Conference, Australia. Email
January 2019
- 23-26 (Asia) CALA 2019 – Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology, “Revitalization and Representation,” Cambodia. Email
- 31-1 February (Asia) The Third International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics, Iran. Email
May 2019
- 16-18 May (South America) TESOL Colombia Conference 2019, “Going beyond theory: Rejuvenating literacies, culture & language pedagogy,” Colombia. Email
April 2018
- 8-11 (North America) Clute International Conference on Education, DC, USA. Email
- 9-10 (Europe) Categories and Units in Language and Linguistics, CULL, Poland. Email
- 18-21 (North America) ANUPI TESOL MEXICO, “Internationalization & Digital Learning: Perspectives and Challenges in ELT,” Mexico. Email
- 21-22 (Asia) Qatar University Foundation Program 3rd Annual International Conference, “ELT in Arabia: Changing Needs & Emerging Trends,” Qatar. Email
- 21-22 (Europe) International Conference for EFL/ESL Teachers, “My Best EFL/ESL Teaching Practice,” Republic of Georgia. Email
- 28 (North America) TESOL, Applied Linguistics, Foreign Languages Conference, “Celebrating Language Learners and Agents of Change,” Pennsylvania, USA. Email
- 28-29 (Asia) The Wonderful World of Words, Turkey. Email .
May 2018
- 3-4 (Europe) 13th METU International ELT Convention, “Teaching Beyond Boundaries,” Turkey. Email
- 8-9 (Asia) Language in the Online & Offline World 6: The Fortitude, Indonesia. Email
- 10-12 (North America) Sunshine State TESOL Annual Conference 2018, “Kaleidoscope of Community: Perspectives & Practices,” Florida, USA. Email
- 11-12 (Europe) New Trends: The Teacher’s Guide through ELT Galaxy, Serbia. Email
- 12 (Asia) 2018 KOTESOL National Conference, “Crossing Borders: Korean ELT in the Modern World,” South Korea. Email
- 18 (Asia) 2018 International Forum on CLIL, “Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education: Perspectives and Direction is Asian Contexts,” Taiwan. Email
- 18-19 (South America) Paraguay TESOL (ParaTESOL) 2018, “Bridging Expectations and Realities,” Paraguay. Email
June 2018
- 7-10 (Asia) Psychology of Language Learning (PLL3), “Stretching Boundaries,” Japan. Email
- 8-9 (South America) ARTESOL 2018, “EFL Teaching: Aiming at the Summit,” Argentina. Email
- 8-10 (Asia) JALTCALL 2018, “New Directions in Educational Technology,” Japan. Email
- 22–24 (Europe) BETA International Annual Conference 2018, “Promoting 21st Century ELT: Language, Life Skills and Digital Literacies,” Bulgaria. Email
- 23-24 (Asia) TBLT in Asia 2018, “Task-Based Learning and Teaching,” Japan. Email
- 25-27 (North America) VII International Qualitative Research Conference, “Inquiry with Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics,” Mexico. Email
- 27-29 (Asia) Asia TEFL/MAAL/HAAL 2018 International Conference, “English Teaching in the Glocalised Changing World- Research and Praxis,” China. Email
- 29-30 (Europe) 15th International Bilkent University School of English Language Conference, “Going Global: Implications for EAP,” Turkey. Email
July 2018
- 4-6 (Central America) ACPI TESOL Convention 2018, “New Trends in Language Teaching Approaches, Assessment and Technology Mediated Learning,” Costa Rica. Email
- 11-14 (Central America) HELTA Honduras TESOL Annual Conference, “Empowering TESOL Communities through Collaboration,” Honduras. Email
- 31-2 August (South America) The 26th Peru TESOL Association Annual Convention, “Creating Student Connections,” Peru. Email
September 2018
- 12-13 (Europe) ICSD 2018 : 6th International Conference on Sustainable Development, “Sustainable Development,” Italy. Email
October 2018
- 2-5 (Oceania) ACTA Conference 2018, “English Language Learning in a Mobile World,” Australia. Email
- 5-7 (Oceania) CLESOL 2018, New Zealand. Email
- 8-10 (Europe) Individual Differences in Second Language Learning and Teaching II: The Individual and the Context, Poland. Email
- 12-13 (North America) AZTESOL State Conference, “Cultivating Community with AZTESOL,” Arizona, USA. Email
- 13-14 (Asia) The 26th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference, South Korea. Email
- 20 (Asia) 6th International Conference on Foreign Languages and Literature at Feng Chia, “Exploring the Uncharted Territories,” Taiwan. Email
November 2018
- 1-2 (North America) TESL Ontario’s 46th Annual Conference, “Synergies of Language & Life,” Canada. Email
- 2-3 (North America) Colorado TESOL 42nd Fall Convention, “Engagement, Encouragement, Empowerment,” Colorado, USA. Email
- 3 (North America) NNETESOL Conference, New Hampshire, USA. Email
- 8-10 (North America) CILEX 2018 International Conference on Foreign Languages, “Interculturality: Authentic Language – Open Dialogues,” Mexico. Email
- 15-17 (North America) Minnesota English Learner Education Conference, Minnesota, USA. Email
- 23-26 (Asia) JALT2018, “Diversity and Inclusion,” Japan. Email
- 25 (Oceania) 3rd Pronunciation Symposium, “Making Pronunciation Accessible,” Australia. Email
- 26-28 (Oceania) 2018 Applied Linguistics Association of Australia Conference, Australia. Email
January 2019
- 31-1 February (Asia) The Third International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics, Iran. Email
March 2018
- 3 (North America) CATESOL Los Angeles Regional Conference, “Breaking Barriers by Promoting Advocacy,” California, USA. Email
- 9-11 (Europe) 41st TESOL-SPAIN Convention, “The Heart in the Art of Teaching: Weaving language, culture and communities,” Spain. Email
- 10 (North America) Volunteer Literacy Tutor Conference 2018, “Equity through Literacy,” Portland, Oregon, USA. Email
- 21-23 (North America) Language Assessment Research Conference (LARC), “Validation Research in Language Assessment: Contributions from Methods in Applied Linguistics,” Iowa, USA. Email
April 2018
- 8-11 (North America) Clute International Conference on Education, DC, USA. Email
- 9-10 (Europe) Categories and Units in Language and Linguistics, CULL, Poland. Email
- 21-22 (Asia) Qatar University Foundation Program 3rd Annual International Conference, “ELT in Arabia: Changing Needs & Emerging Trends,” Qatar. Email
- 21-22 (Europe) International Conference for EFL/ESL Teachers, “My Best EFL/ESL Teaching Practice,” Republic of Georgia. Email
- 28 (North America) TESOL, Applied Linguistics, Foreign Languages Conference, “Celebrating Language Learners and Agents of Change,” Pennsylvania, USA. Email
May 2018
- 3-4 (Europe) 13th METU International ELT Convention, “Teaching Beyond Boundaries,” Turkey. Email
- 8-9 (Asia) Language in the Online & Offline World 6: The Fortitude, Indonesia. Email
- 10-12 (North America) Sunshine State TESOL Annual Conference 2018, “Kaleidoscope of Community: Perspectives & Practices,” Florida, USA. Email
- 11-12 (Europe) New Trends: The Teacher’s Guide through ELT Galaxy, Serbia. Email
- 12 (Asia) 2018 KOTESOL National Conference, “Crossing Borders: Korean ELT in the Modern World,” South Korea. Email
June 2018
- 7-10 (Asia) Psychology of Language Learning (PLL3), “Stretching Boundaries,” Japan. Email
- 8-9 (South America) ARTESOL 2018, “EFL Teaching: Aiming at the Summit,” Argentina. Email
- 23-24 (Asia) TBLT in Asia 2018, “Task-Based Learning and Teaching,” Japan. Email
- 27-29 (Asia) Asia TEFL/MAAL/HAAL 2018 International Conference, “English Teaching in the Glocalised Changing World- Research and Praxis,” China. Email
- 29-30 (Europe) 15th International Bilkent University School of English Language Conference, “Going Global: Implications for EAP,” Turkey. Email
July 2018
- 4-6 (Central America) ACPI TESOL Convention 2018, “New Trends in Language Teaching Approaches, Assessment and Technology Mediated Learning,” Costa Rica. Email
- 11-14 (Central America) HELTA Honduras TESOL Annual Conference, “Empowering TESOL Communities through Collaboration,” Honduras. Email
- 31-2 August (South America) The 26th Peru TESOL Association Annual Convention, “Creating Student Connections,” Peru. Email
September 2018
- 12-13 (Europe) ICSD 2018 : 6th International Conference on Sustainable Development, “Sustainable Development,” Italy. Email
October 2018
- 2-5 (Oceania) ACTA Conference 2018, “English Language Learning in a Mobile World,” Australia. Email
- 12-13 (North America) AZTESOL State Conference, “Cultivating Community with AZTESOL,” Arizona, USA. Email
- 20 (Asia) 6th International Conference on Foreign Languages and Literature at Feng Chia, “Exploring the Uncharted Territories,” Taiwan. Email
November 2018
- 3 (North America) NNETESOL Conference, New Hampshire, USA. Email
- 8-10 (North America) CILEX 2018 International Conference on Foreign Languages, “Interculturality: Authentic Language – Open Dialogues,” Mexico. Email
- 15-17 (North America) Minnesota English Learner Education Conference, Minnesota, USA. Email
- 23-26 (Asia) JALT2018, “Diversity and Inclusion,” Japan. Email
- 25 (Oceania) 3rd Pronunciation Symposium, “Making Pronunciation Accessible,” Australia. Email
- 26-28 (Oceania) 2018 Applied Linguistics Association of Australia Conference, Australia. Email
My name is Marisol Marcin and I am writing on behalf of NYSAFLT (New York
State Association of Foreign Language Teachers) and the Binghamton
University Romance Languages Department to invite World Language/LOTE
teachers to attend our annual one-day conference. The conference theme this
year is “contextualizing Language Learning: Bringing down Classroom Walls.”
It will take place on March 2, from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm in the C4 building
at Binghamton University.
NYSAFLT is an approved CTLE sponsor; our goal is to provide quality
professional development focused on student achievement and to network with
other professionals who care about the teaching and learning of languages.
The links to our registration and preliminary program are at
We are pleased to announce a free online learning course on ‘Dyslexia and language teaching’ which runs from 16th of April – 13th of May 2018.
This exciting course is offered by Lancaster University in cooperation with FutureLearn and takes place over four weeks entirely online. It is aimed at English language teachers, teachers of modern foreign languages, teacher trainers, educators and trainee teachers who are interested in how they can accommodate and cater for the needs of students with dyslexia in foreign/second language classrooms. In this course, which is based on the award-winning materials of the Dystefl project, you can find out about the nature of dyslexia and how it affects the learning of additional languages. You can explore a variety of useful techniques, including recent computer-assisted tools that you can take into the classroom to help students with dyslexia in acquiring another language. Lead educator Dr. Judit Kormos gives practical guidance and advice on enhancing the phonological awareness, vocabulary knowledge and reading skills of dyslexic language learners. The materials and tasks in the course can be applied for various age groups of dyslexic students and for a variety of language learning contexts including the teaching of English as a foreign/second language and the teaching of modern foreign languages. Enrolment is now open and we are looking forward to welcoming you and your colleagues as one of our participants. Please feel free to distribute this course information to other interested colleagues, teachers, students and share it on social media and the word-wide web.
Judit Kormos, PhD, SFHEA, National Teaching Fellow
Professor of Second Language Acquisition
Director of Research
Department of Linguistics and English Language
Lancaster University
The Applied Linguistics and CALL Interest Sections are proud to announce a webinar we will jointly host on March 7, 2018, at 2:00 PM Eastern Time (in the U.S). The seminar’s topic is Technology in Language Acquisition Research and Pedagogy.
The webinar is scheduled for 1 hour, during which Dr. Shannon Sauro (Malmö University) and Dr. Volker Hegelheimer (Iowa State University) will discuss the applications of current technology in effective language teaching and in conducting language acquisition research across the world. The presenters will also take questions from the audience. The webinar will be moderated by Dr. Christel Broady (Georgetown College).
The webinar is free. For your convenience, here are the times for the webinar if you are not located in the Eastern Time Zone of the Americas.
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Pacific Time
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM – Central Time
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM – Eastern Time
8:00 PM – 9:00 PM – Central European Time
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM – Greenwich Mean Time
Please register for the webinar at the following link:
Technology in Language Acquisition Research and Pedagogy: A Free Webinar Offered by TESOL International Association’s CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) and AL (Applied Linguistics) Interest Sections
Looking forward to your participation in the webinar and apologize for any crossposting duplication of this message,
December 2017
- 7-8 (Asia) VietTESOL, “English Language for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” Vietnam. Email
- 7-9 (Asia) International Conference on ESP, “New Technologies and Digital Learning,” Hong Kong. Email
January 2018
- 2-6 (North America) Clute International Conference on Education, Florida, USA. Email
- 26-27 (Asia) The 38th Thailand TESOL International Conference 2018, “Digital Literacy in Language Learning and Teaching,” Thailand. Email
February 2018
- 1-2 (Asia) The Second International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics, Iran. Email
- 1-2 (Asia) The Fourth National Conference on English Studies, “Teaching and Learning, Literature, Translation,” Iran. Email
March 2018
- 3 (North America) CATESOL Los Angeles Regional Conference, “Breaking Barriers by Promoting Advocacy,” California, USA. Email
- 9-11 (Europe) 41st TESOL-SPAIN Convention, “The Heart in the Art of Teaching: Weaving language, culture and communities,” Spain. Email
- 10 (North America) Volunteer Literacy Tutor Conference 2018, “Equity through Literacy,” Portland, Oregon, USA. Email
- 21-23 (North America) Language Assessment Research Conference (LARC), “Validation Research in Language Assessment: Contributions from Methods in Applied Linguistics,” Iowa, USA. Email
April 2018
- 8-11 (North America) Clute International Conference on Education, DC, USA. Email
- 9-10 (Europe) Categories and Units in Language and Linguistics, CULL, Poland. Email
- 21-22 (Asia) Qatar University Foundation Program 3rd Annual International Conference, “ELT in Arabia: Changing Needs & Emerging Trends,” Qatar. Email
May 2018
- 3-4 (Europe) 13th METU International ELT Convention, “Teaching Beyond Boundaries,” Turkey. Email
June 2018
- 7-10 (Asia) Psychology of Language Learning (PLL3), “Stretching Boundaries,” Japan. Email
- 23-24 (Asia) TBLT in Asia 2018, “Task-Based Learning and Teaching,” Japan. Email
- 27-29 (Asia) Asia TEFL/MAAL/HAAL 2018 International Conference, “English Teaching in the Glocalised Changing World- Research and Praxis,” China. Email
July 2018
- 11-14 (Central America) HELTA Honduras TESOL Annual Conference, “Empowering TESOL Communities through Collaboration,” Honduras. Email
- 31-2 August (South America) The 26th Peru TESOL Association Annual Convention, “Creating Student Connections,” Peru. Email
October 2018
- 2-5 (Oceania) ACTA Conference 2018, “English Language Learning in a Mobile World,” Australia. Email
November 2018
- 15-17 (North America) Minnesota English Learner Education Conference, Minnesota, USA. Email
MLA Convention
You may know the Modern Language Association from using MLA citation style. But did you know that the MLA hosts the largest scholarly meeting in the humanities?
Well, we do! The MLA Annual Convention is a dynamic gathering of scholars and teachers of languages and literatures. The face-to-face environment enables attendees to connect with peers and to participate in conversations that shape the profession. Sessions cover a wide range of topics, from pedagogy to professional service to new developments in digital humanities, and all provide ample opportunities for networking.
Moreover, the MLA Annual Convention is open to faculty members and students at all levels. Everyone is welcome at the MLA Annual Convention! If you teach or study literature, writing, or language—at any level—I urge you to attend this year’s MLA Annual Convention in New York City (4–7 January 2018).
Register Now
So inject new energy into your career, share your work, and connect with like-minded thinkers. Attend the MLA Annual Convention in New York City. I look forward to seeing you there!
Psssst! Did you know that nonpresenting graduate students may volunteer one day of service in exchange for a waiver of the registration fee? It’s a great way to get to know the convention, make new friends, and save money! E-mail for more information.
Co-Teaching for English Learners Webinar:
How to Maximize Collaborative Practice, Instruction, Assessment & Reflection
Presented by Maria G. Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld
The proof is borne out by any assessment: our non-native speakers learn faster and achieve more when general ed and EL teachers co-plan and co-deliver instruction in the very same classroom. That’s why you won’t want to miss this webinar from EL experts Maria G. Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld. Step by step, they’ll walk you through the entire collaborative instruction cycle, along with seven potential models from which to choose.
Whether you’re new to co-teaching or simply in search of additional details, attend this webinar for:
In-depth profiles of the seven models
Advantages and challenges of each model
Clear explanations of each teacher’s role
Tried-and-true strategies for the entire instructional cycle: co-planning, co-instruction, co-assessment, and reflection
When? October 23. Time? 3:30 PST/6:30 EST. Cost? FREE!
Register Now
LECNY sister organizations AATF of CNY and AATG of CNY are joining forces to offer a workshop on Improv in the Language Class on Saturday, October 28th in the Fayetteville-Manlius High School Black Box theater. This workshop is open to teachers of all languages.
Call for Volunteers- NYS TESOL 47th Annual Conference Twitter hashta
“NYS TESOL Technology Support”
If you are interested in volunteering your time for the conference, please
complete the form below.
For more information about the conference, please visit
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February 2017
- 2-3 (Asia) The International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics, Iran. Email
- 2-3 (Middle East) The International Conference on Current Issues of Arabic Language Teaching and Learning, Literature and Translation, Ahwaz/Khouzestan/Iran. Email
- 11 (North America) TESOL & Applied Linguistics Graduate Student (TALGS) Conference, North Carolina, USA. Email
- 24 (Europe) 6th Bremen Symposion, “The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – how do we deal with its gaps?” Germany. Email
- 24-25 (North America) Illinois TESOL-Bilingual Education Annual Convention, “Meeting the Challenge,” Illinois, USA. Email
March 2017
- 3-5 (Europe) 40th TESOL-SPAIN National Convention, “Evolving & Involving”, Spain. Email:
- 9-11 (Asia) 23rd TESOL Arabia International Conference & Exhibition, “Advancing the ELT Profession,” United Arab Emirates. Email
- 21-24 (North America) TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo, Seattle, Washington, USA. Email:
- 24-26 (Eastern Europe) 25th Annual HUPE Conference, Solaris Beach Resort, Šibenik, Croatia. Email
- 25 (Europe) IH Torun International Teacher Training Day, Poland. Email
April 2017
- 7-8 (North America) The Conference on Language, Learning, and Culture, “Enhancing and Advancing Teaching Education”. Fairfax, VA. Email: kevin@viu.ed
- 19-21 (Asia) PELLTA 8th. International English Language Teaching Conference 2017 (iELT-Con 2017), “The 21st. Century Classroom : ELT Practices & Innovations, Malaysia. Email
May 2017
- 4-6 (North America) BC TEAL 2017 Annual Conference, “Celebrating 50 Years of BC TEAL,” Canada. Email
- 5-6 (Europe) InnovateELT Conference, “Power to the Learner! – What Can We Learn About Learning from Learners Themselves?” Spain. Email
- 13-14 (Europe) CETE/TESOL 9th International Annual Conference, “Technology Management For Large and Mixed Ability Classes,” Georgia. Email
- 15 (Europe) 19th Annual International Conference on Education, Greece. Email
- 15 (Europe) A Panel on Educational Leadership, Greece. Email
- 15-18 (Europe) 3rd Colloquium on Online & Distance Education, Greece. Email
- 15-18 (Europe) A Panel on Bilingual Education: Opportunities and Challenges, Greece. Email
- 19-20 (North America) NCSU ESL Symposium. Email
- 19-21 (Asia) JALT PanSIG 2017 Conference, “Expand Your Interests,” Japan. Email
June 2017
- 1-3 (Asia) Faces of English 2: Teaching and Researching Academic and Professional English, Hong Kong. Email
- 5 (Europe) A Panel on Echoes of Ancient Myths in Contemporary Literature, Greece. Email
- 5 (Europe) A Panel on “From Écrivance to Écriture: Contemporary Revolutions in (Meta)language,” Greece. Email
- 5-8 (Europe) 10th Annual International Conference on Literature, Greece. Email
- 8-9 (Europe) OEB MidSummit, “Shaping the Future of Learning,” Iceland. Email
- 8-10 (North America) TESL Canada Conference 2017, “Celebrating Canada’s 150th,” Canada. Email
- 16-18 (Asia) JALTCALL2017, “Active Learning through CALL,” Japan. Email
- 22-25 (Europe) 1st FIPLV East European Regional Congress 26th BETA-IATEFL Annual International Conference, “Learning and Teaching Languages: Creating Bridges to the Future,” Bulgaria. Email
- 30-2 July (North America) 22nd Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, “Local and Global Contexts of World Englishes,” New York, USA. Email
July 2017
- 3 (Europe) 10th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics, Greece. Email
- 3-7 (Europe) 3rd International ESP Conference and Summer School, ”Establishing the Predominant Position of ESP within Adult ELT,” Serbia. Email
- 5-7 (Europe) 3rd International Colloquium on Languages, Cultures, Identity in School and Society, Spain. Email
- 13-15 (Asia) The 15th International Asia TEFL Conference 2017 and the 64th TEFLIN International Conference, “ELT in Asia in the Digital Era: Global Citizenship and Identity”, Indonesia. Email:
August 2017
- 4-7 (Asia) The Fourth World Congress on Extensive Reading, “Pathways to Progress,” Japan. Email
- 18-19 (Central America) HELTA Honduras TESOL, “Moving Forward: TESOL for the new Generations!” Honduras.
September 2017
- 6-7 (Europe) ICSD 2017 : 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development, Italy. Email
- 29-30 (North America) MIDTESOL 2017: Crossroads of Cultures, “Crossroads of Cultures,” Missouri, USA. Email
October 2017
- 4-7 (Europe) ICLHE 2017 Conference, “Integrating Content and Language in Multilingual Universities,” Denmark. Email
- 19-20 (North America) 2017 GATESOL Conference, “Keys to Cultural Proficiency: Unlocking the Language of Equitable Instruction,” Georgia, USA. Email
- 20-22 (Asia) The 18th Internatıonal INGED ELT Conference, “Winds of Change,” Turkey. Email
- 28-29 (Europe) 3rd English for Healthcare Conference, “Teaching and Learning of English for Medicine and Healthcare,” Switzerland. Email
November 2017
- 9-12 (North America) 44th International MEXTESOL Convention, “Strengthening Learning Communities,” Mexico. Email
- 18-19 (North America) 2016 PRTESOL Annual Convention, “Reading the Word, Reading the World: Working towards Social Justice and Peace in the English Classroom,” Puerto Rico. Email
Please join in on our webinar with Jennifer Uhler of the US Department of State. She is currently the Branch Chief for Regional Programs in the Office of English Language Programs. She will share information of interest to our TESOL Teacher Educator community regarding the English Language Fellows Programs and other initiatives.
Tuesday, January 31st @ 2 PM Eastern Time. Please participate with the TEIS community for these FREE webinars by simply joining the Zoom session: about 10 minutes prior to the start time. You will need to download Zoom (free, go to in advance. The webinar will be recorded and archived on the TESOL website. Webinars are limited to the first 50 participants.
Hope to see you there!
January 2017
- 16-17 (Asia) Fourth International Conference on Languages, Literature and Society 2017, “Interdisciplinary Conversations about Language, Politics and Mobility,” Singapore. Email
- 20-21 (Asia) 37th Thailand TESOL International Conference, “ELT Pathways to Professional Excellence,” Thailand. Email
- 23-24 (Africa) NileTESOL Conference, Egypt. Email
February 2017
- 2-3 (Asia) The International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics, Iran. Email
- 2-3 (Middle East) The International Conference on Current Issues of Arabic Language Teaching and Learning, Literature and Translation, Ahwaz/Khouzestan/Iran. Email
- 11 (North America) TESOL & Applied Linguistics Graduate Student (TALGS) Conference, North Carolina, USA. Email
- 24 (Europe) 6th Bremen Symposion, “The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – how do we deal with its gaps?” Germany. Email
- 24-25 (North America) Illinois TESOL-Bilingual Education Annual Convention, “Meeting the Challenge,” Illinois, USA. Email
March 2017
- 3-5 (Europe) 40th TESOL-SPAIN National Convention, “Evolving & Involving”, Spain. Email:
- 9-11 (Asia) 23rd TESOL Arabia International Conference & Exhibition, “Advancing the ELT Profession,” United Arab Emirates. Email
- 21-24 (North America) TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo, Seattle, Washington, USA. Email:
- 24-26 (Eastern Europe) 25th Annual HUPE Conference, Solaris Beach Resort, Šibenik, Croatia. Email
April 2017
- 7-8 (North America) The Conference on Language, Learning, and Culture, “Enhancing and Advancing Teaching Education”. Fairfax, VA. Email: kevin@viu.ed
- 19-21 (Asia) PELLTA 8th. International English Language Teaching Conference 2017 (iELT-Con 2017), “The 21st. Century Classroom : ELT Practices & Innovations, Malaysia. Email
May 2017
- 4-6 (North America) BC TEAL 2017 Annual Conference, “Celebrating 50 Years of BC TEAL,” Canada. Email
- 5-6 (Europe) InnovateELT Conference, “Power to the Learner! – What Can We Learn About Learning from Learners Themselves?” Spain. Email
- 15 (Europe) 19th Annual International Conference on Education, Greece. Email
- 15 (Europe) A Panel on Educational Leadership, Greece. Email
- 15-18 (Europe) 3rd Colloquium on Online & Distance Education, Greece. Email
- 15-18 (Europe) A Panel on Bilingual Education: Opportunities and Challenges, Greece. Email
- 19-20 (North America) NCSU ESL Symposium. Email
June 2017
- 1-3 (Asia) Faces of English 2: Teaching and Researching Academic and Professional English, Hong Kong. Email
- 5 (Europe) A Panel on Echoes of Ancient Myths in Contemporary Literature, Greece. Email
- 5 (Europe) A Panel on “From Écrivance to Écriture: Contemporary Revolutions in (Meta)language,” Greece. Email
- 5-8 (Europe) 10th Annual International Conference on Literature, Greece. Email
- 8-9 (Europe) OEB MidSummit, “Shaping the Future of Learning,” Iceland. Email
- 8-10 (North America) TESL Canada Conference 2017, “Celebrating Canada’s 150th,” Canada. Email
- 16-18 (Asia) JALTCALL2017, “Active Learning through CALL,” Japan. Email
- 22-25 (Europe) 1st FIPLV East European Regional Congress 26th BETA-IATEFL Annual International Conference, “Learning and Teaching Languages: Creating Bridges to the Future,” Bulgaria. Email
- 30-2 July (North America) 22nd Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, “Local and Global Contexts of World Englishes,” New York, USA. Email
July 2017
- 3 (Europe) 10th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics, Greece. Email
- 5-7 (Europe) 3rd International Colloquium on Languages, Cultures, Identity in School and Society, Spain. Email
- 13-15 (Asia) The 15th International Asia TEFL Conference 2017 and the 64th TEFLIN International Conference, “ELT in Asia in the Digital Era: Global Citizenship and Identity”, Indonesia. Email:
August 2017
- 4-7 (Asia) The Fourth World Congress on Extensive Reading, “Pathways to Progress,” Japan. Email
September 2017
- 6-7 (Europe) ICSD 2017 : 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development, Italy. Email
- 29-30 (North America) MIDTESOL 2017: Crossroads of Cultures, “Crossroads of Cultures,” Missouri, USA. Email
October 2017
- 4-7 (Europe) ICLHE 2017 Conference, “Integrating Content and Language in Multilingual Universities,” Denmark. Email
- 19-20 (North America) 2017 GATESOL Conference, “Keys to Cultural Proficiency: Unlocking the Language of Equitable Instruction,” Georgia, USA. Email
- 28-29 (Europe) 3rd English for Healthcare Conference, “Teaching and Learning of English for Medicine and Healthcare,” Switzerland. Email
November 2017
- 9-12 (North America) 44th International MEXTESOL Convention, “Strengthening Learning Communities,” Mexico. Email
- 18-19 (North America) 2016 PRTESOL Annual Convention, “Reading the Word, Reading the World: Working towards Social Justice and Peace in the English Classroom,” Puerto Rico. Email
NYSAFLT Conference – Syracuse: Oct 21-22.
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Subject: Webinar “Promoting Student Engagement in a Hybrid Language Course”
Join us Tuesday October 18th for the next IALLT webinar – “Promoting Student Engagement in a Hybrid Language Course” presented by Stacey Johnson, Vanderbilt University and Berta Carrasco, Hope College.
This webinar will explore a hybrid model (face-to-face/online learning) as a method of promoting student engagement in L2 courses. General course design principles will be explored, focusing on two specific classroom activities — discussions and student-produced videos – as well as relevant assessments. The presenters will also provide student feedback on the activities and overall course design.
The October 18th 2016 webinar takes place at 2pm EDT / 1pm CDT / 12pm MDT / 11am PDT
IALLT webinars are now open to all, so please encourage others from your university and field to participate as well.
Register online at:…/webinar-promoting-student-engagement-in…/<>
For all FLTEACH information see:
NYS TESOL 46th Annual Conference is taking place on November 4-5, 2016 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Syracuse. THey are looking for many, many volunteers who will help out at the registration and hospitality tables as well as help direct attendees and serve as facilitators to the presenters.
For more information about the NYS TESOL Conference and schedule, please or contact me at
From TESOL International
September 2016
- 2-3 (Europe) The 2016 Annual Fischer International Conference for ELT, “Celebrating 10 Years of fresh ideas and support”, Romania.
- 8-10 (Asia) The 63th TEFLIN International Conference 2016 “Creativity and Innovation in Language Materials Development and Language Teaching Methodology in Asia and Beyond”, Indonesia. Email:
- 9-10 (Europe) 24th World Congress on Learning Disabilities, “Equality, Diversity, & Awareness: A Multidisciplinary Conference on Learning Disabilities and Related Disorders,” United Kingdom. Email.
- 9-10 (South America) 6th Biennial CLIL Symposium, “New Perspectives in Intercultural Education and Assessment,” Colombia. Email
- 16-17 (Europe) ICSD 2016 – 4th International Conference on Sustainable Development, Italy. Email
- 16-17 (Centra
September 2016
- 2-3 (Europe) The 2016 Annual Fischer International Conference for ELT, “Celebrating 10 Years of fresh ideas and support”, Romania.
- 8-10 (Asia) The 63th TEFLIN International Conference 2016 “Creativity and Innovation in Language Materials Development and Language Teaching Methodology in Asia and Beyond”, Indonesia. Email:
- 9-10 (Europe) 24th World Congress on Learning Disabilities, “Equality, Diversity, & Awareness: A Multidisciplinary Conference on Learning Disabilities and Related Disorders,” United Kingdom. Email.
- 9-10 (South America) 6th Biennial CLIL Symposium, “New Perspectives in Intercultural Education and Assessment,” Colombia. Email
- 16-17 (Europe) ICSD 2016 – 4th International Conference on Sustainable Development, Italy. Email
- 16-17 (Centra
- America) Second Language Research Forum, “Instructed Second Language Acquisition,” New York, USA. Email
- 23-24 (Asia) IRO World Science and Technology Congress, Mongkok ,Hong kong. Email:
- 23-25 (Asia) The 10th International Symposium of the National Association for Teaching and Researching EFL Writing in China, “Teaching and Researching EFL and ESP Writing for Global and Professional Communication,” China. Email
- 30-Oct 1 (North America) MIDTESOL 2016: Innovation and Improvisation, Missouri, USA. Email
October 2016
- 6-7 (Asia) 2nd LITU-CULI International Conference, “ELT Limited,” Thailand. Email
- 7-8 (North America) I-TESOL Conference, Utah, USA. Email
- 12-15 (North America) WIDA 2016 National Conference, “Drawing on Life’s Experiences: Designing Brighter Futures” Pennsylvania, USA. Email
- 13-15 (South America) 51st ASOCOPI Annual Conference, “Technology in ELT: Achievements and Challenges for English Language Development,” Colombia. Email
- 13-16 (North America) ANUPI 2016 International Conference, “Unleashing the Power of ELT Beyond the Classroom,” Mexico. Email
- 14-15 (North America) GATESOL 2016, “#Hot Topics @ English Learners,” Georgia, USA. Email
- 15 (Asia) The 2016 PKETA International Conference, “The Directions of Teacher Education in the Multicultural Era,” Korea. Email
- 15-16 (North America) WATESOL Fall 2016 Conference, “Making Creative Connections: Using Student Creativity to Develop All Skills,” Maryland, USA. Email
- 15-16 (Asia) Korea TESOL 24th Annual International Conference, “Shaping the Future with 21st Century Skills,” South Korea. Email
- 21-22 (North America) WAESOL Conference, “Engaging Multilingual Learners: the Classroom and Beyond,” Washington state, USA. Email
- 21-22 (North America) AZTESOL State Conference, “Literacy Across Ages and Languages,” Arizona, USA. Email
- 26-28 (Europe) 2016 International Symposium on Verbs, Clauses and Constructions, Spain. Email
- 27-29 (North America) TexTESOL State Conference, “Exploring Innovation”, Texas, USA. Email
- 26-29 (North America) SETESOL 2016, “Racing toward a Brighter Future: Reflecting, Creating, Envisioning,” Kentucky, USA. Email
- 27-30 (North America) 43rd International MEXTESOL Convention, “Dynamic Teaching: New Trends in ELT,” Mexico. Email
November 2016
- 1 (North America) ARKTESOL 2016 State Conference, Arkansas, USA. Email
- 2-4 (Europe) Languages & The Media 2016 11th International Conference on Language Transfer in Audiovisual Media, Germany. Email
- 3-5 (North America) XXIII Sociocultural Theory & Second Language Learning Research Working Group Meeting, Florida, USA. Email
- 4-5 (North America) NYS TESOL 2016 Annual Conference, “Collaboration in the Classroom and Beyond”, New
- 4-5 (North America) Colorado TESOL 40th Annual Fall Convention, “CoTESOL XL: 40 Years of Transformation,” Colorado, USA. Email
- 5 (North America) Northern New England TESOL Conference, Maine, USA. Email
- 5 (North America) WITESOL Conference, “Words Matter: Empowering Learners and Teachers (in Challenging Times),” Wisconsin, USA. Email
- 10-12 (North America) First International Conference of Foreign Languages, “Innovation, Motivation, Inspiration,” Mexico. Email
- 11-13 (Asia) The 2016 Pan Asia Conference & the 25th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, “Epoch Making in English Teaching and Learning: Evolution, Innovation, and Revolution,” Taiwan. Email
- 12 (North America) 2016 Conference | Textesol IV, “Breaking Down Walls Embracing Diversity,” Texas, USA. Email
- 17-19 (The Middle East) TESOL Kuwait Third International Conference, “Innovation, Creativity, Communication: Facing Novel Challenges in TESOL” Kuwait. Email
- 17-20 (North America) CATESOL 2016 Annual Conference, “2020: Vision, Embracing the Past—Planning the Future,” California, USA. Email
- 18-19 (The Middle East) International Conference on Literature and English Language Teaching, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Email
- 18-19 (Europe) EXPOLINGUA Berlin 2016, “29th International Fair for Languages and Cultures”, Berlin, Germany. Email:
- 18-19 (Europe) Communication, Culture and Creativity in the ELT Classroom, Lisbon, Portugal. Email
- 18-20 (Europe) TESOL France Annual Colloquium, “Reaching new heights in ELT,” France. Email
- 24-25 (North America) 44th TESL Ontario Conference, “Recognizing Abilities and Possibilities,” Canada. Email
- 25-28 (Asia and Oceania) JALT2016: 42nd Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition, “Transformation in Language Education,” Japan. Email
December 2016
- 1-2 (Europe) The Worldwide Forum on Education and Culture, “Voices of the Future: The Sound of Many Languages and Nations in Partnership,” Italy. Email
- 9-10 (Asia) 11th International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level, “Rethinking ELT in Higher Education”. Hong
January 2017
- 16-17 (Asia) Fourth International Conference on Languages, Literature and Society 2017, “Interdisciplinary Conversations about Language, Politics and Mobility,” Singapore. Email
- 23-24 (Africa) NileTESOL Conference, Egypt. Email
February 2017
- 2-3 (Asia) The International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics, Iran. Email
- 2-3 (Middle East) The International Conference on Current Issues of Arabic Language Teaching and Learning, Literature and Translation, Ahwaz/Khouzestan/Iran. Email
- 24 (Europe) 6th Bremen Symposion, “The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – how do we deal with its gaps?” Germany. Email
March 2017
- 3-5 (Europe) 40th TESOL-SPAIN National Convention, “Evolving & Involving”, Spain. Email:
- 21-24 (North America) TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo, Seattle, Washington, USA. Email:
- 24-26 (Eastern Europe) 25th Annual HUPE Conference, Solaris Beach Resort, Šibenik, Croatia. Email
April 2017
- 7-8 (North America) The Conference on Language, Learning, and Culture, “Enhancing and Advancing Teaching Education”. Fairfax, VA. Email: kevin@viu.ed
July 2017
- 13-15 (Asia) The 15th International Asia TEFL Conference 2017 and the 64th TEFLIN International Conference, “ELT in Asia in the Digital Era: Global Citizenship and Identity”, Indonesia. Email:
October 2017
- 19-20 (North America) 2017 GATESOL Conference, “Keys to Cultural Proficiency: Unlocking the Language of Equitable Instruction,” Georgia, USA. Email
The LLL-Language Educators of Central New York conference will again be held at Syracuse University this year, on Saturday February 6, 8:30-12:00, at the Goldstein Student Center. Registration is requested by Thursday, Jan. 28.
This annual event offers a series of workshops on teaching techniques. This is a great morning full of useful ideas and opportunities to connect with other language teaching professionals. Click on: LLL-LECNY at SU to register and for more information about the workshops.
Are you interested in working in Japan?
Are you interested in getting international teaching experience? If your answer is ‘YES!”, come to the JET (Japan Exchange & Teaching) Program Information Session!
A former JET participant will be there to provide information and to answer any questions you might have.
Date: Monday, October 26, 2015 Time: 6:00pm – 7:00pm
Venue: Room 207, Hall of Languages
Syracuse University
For more information or to apply, visit:
TESOL International Association provides the TESOL Conference Calendar as a service to TESOL members and the field. The information provided in the Conference Calendar comes from the sponsoring organizations. For more information, please contact the sponsoring organization. The listed events are not sponsored or endorsed by TESOL International Association.
September 2015
16-18 (Europe and Eurasia) TBLT 2015, “Tasks for Real,” Belgium. Email
18-19 (North America) 13th Annual Conference on Technology for Second Language Learning (TSLL 2015), “Data-Driven Approaches to Learning Phraseology and Formulaic Language: Computation, Co-Selection, Contextualization, Cognition,” Iowa, USA. Email
18-20 (Asia and Oceania) Third World Congress on Extensive Reading, “Extensive Approaches to Language Learning,” United Arab Emirates. Email
24-26 (Central and South America) FAAPI2015 Annual Conference, “EFL Classrooms in the New Millennium: Local Developments and Global Concerns,” Argentina. Email
October 2015
2-3 (North America) Tri-TESOL 2015 hosted by BCTEAL, WAESOL, and ORTESOL, “Transcending Boundaries and Interweaving Perspectives,” Washington, USA. Email
9-10 (North America) MITESOL 2015 Conference, “Assessing Students, Teachers, Programs: How do we measure up?” Michigan, USA. Email
10-11 (Asia and Oceania) Korea TESOL 23rd Annual International Conference, “Transitions in Education: Transitions in ELT,” South Korea. Email
17 (North America) 35th Maryland TESOL Annual Fall Conference, “Beyond Borders: Connecting Diverse Perspectives,” Maryland, USA. Email
23-24 (North America) MIDTESOL 2015, “The Future Is Now: Building New Traditions in TESOL,” Iowa, USA. Email
24 (North America) 2015 WITESOL Conference, “Cultural Journeys through Language and Learning,” Wisconsin, USA. Email
24-25 (Europe and Eurasia) Teaching English for Healthcare, “Teaching of English for Medicine and Healthcare,” Switzerland. Email
29-30 (Asia and Oceania) Culi International Conference 2015, “ESP: Needs, Pedagogy, and Assessment,” Thailand. Email
29-31 (North America) Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) 2015, “Application, Context, Language Use,” Georgia, USA. Email
30-31 (North America) Ohio TESOL Annual Fall Conference, “Advocate, Advance, Achieve,” Ohio, USA. Email
November 2015
3-5 (Asia and Oceania) International Conference and Exhibition on Control System, “Advances in Diverse Applications of Control Systems,” China. Email
4 (North America) A TESOL Symposium in Cancun, Mexico, “Innovations and Breakthroughs in English Language Teaching,” Mexico. Email
5-7 (Asia and Oceania) TESOL Kuwait Conference, “Reshaping English in an Age of Innovation,” Kuwait. Email
5-8 (North America) Mexico TESOL 42nd International Convention, “Building the Future Today: English Language Teaching and Learning Breakthroughs,” Cancun, Mexico. Email
7 (North America) TexTESOL IV Regional Conference, “Mission Possible: Igniting a Brighter Future for ELLs,” Texas, USA. Email
12-14 (Asia and Oceania) GLoCALL 2015, “Globalization and Localization in Computer-Assisted Language Learning,” South Korea. Email
12-15 (North America) CATESOL 2015 Annual Conference, “Technology Through the Ages,” California, USA. Email
19-22 (North America) Second International COPEI-ANUPI Conference, “Excellence in English Teaching: from Theory to Practice,” Mexico. Email
20-21 (Europe and Eurasia) InDialog, 2nd International Conference Community Interpreting in Dialogue with Technology, Germany. Email
20-22 (Europe and Eurasia) TESOL France Annual Colloquium: Sharing English Through Excellence, “Sharing English Through Excellence,” France. Email
20-23 (Asia and Oceania) JALT2015: 41st Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition, “Focus on the Learner,” Japan. Email
December 2015
3-5 (Caribbean) 22nd Biennial Convention, “From English Elementary Teacher to
English Language Professional,” Cuba. Email
3-5 (Asia and Oceania) A TESOL Regional Conference, “Excellence in Teaching Instruction: Supporting Classroom Teaching and Learning,” Singapore. Email
5 (Europe and Eurasia) Adaptive Learning in Practice, England. Email
10-11 (Central and South America) Nicaragua TESOL 2015, “No One Left Behind: Leading the Future of Education in ELT,” Nicaragua. Email
14-15 (Asia and Oceania) International Conference on English Across the Curriculum, Hong Kong. Email
January 2016
26-27 (Africa) NileTESOL2016, “Best Practices in TESOL: Communicate, Collaborate, Create” Egypt. Email
29-30 (Asia and Oceania) 36th Thailand TESOL International Conference, “The Changing Landscape of ELT: Empowerment through Glocalization,” Thailand. Email
February 2016
20-21 (Asia) 12th Annual CamTESOL Conference Series on English Language Teaching, “Promoting Autonomy in Language Teaching and Learning,” Cambodia. Email
26-27 (Africa) Africa TESOL, “ELT in Africa: Striving for Excellence and Visibility,” Sudan. Email
March 2016
7-9 (Asia and Oceania) 21st International NELTA Conference, “Englishes in the Classroom: Trends, Tensions and Teaching,” Nepal. Email
10-12 (Asia and Oceania) TESOL Arabia International Conference and Exhibition, “Language, Culture, Communication: Transformations in Intercultural Contexts,” United Arab Emirates. Email
11-13 (Europe and Eurasia) 2016 TESOL-Spain Convention, “ELT in these Changing Times,” Spain. Email
19-21 (Europe and Eurasia) TESOL Greece 37th Annual International Convention, “‘Join the Education R-Evolution,” Greece. Email
April 2016
5-8 (North America) TESOL 2016 International Convention & English Language Expo, “Reflecting Forward,” Maryland, USA. Email
8-10 (Europe) 24th Annual Hupe Conference, Croatia. Email
May 2016
25-27 (Asia and Oceania) 5th CELC symposium, National University of Singapore, “Strengthening Connectivities in ELT: Pedagogies, Disciplines, Cultures,” Singapore. Email .
June 2016
27-28 (Asia and Oceania) Third International IFAW Conference, “Building Bridges through Academic Writing: Research, Policy and Practice,” Israel. Email
July 2016
4-6 (Asia and Oceania) ETAI International Conference, “Engage, Enhance, Energize,” Israel. Email
14-16 (Asia and Oceania) CLESOL Community Lanuages and ESOL, “Learners in Context: Bridging the Gaps,” New Zealand. Email
September 2016
30-Oct 1 (North America) MIDTESOL 2016, Missouri, USA. Email
Free Pearson Webinars Nov 14, 2014
Check the list and register at:
American University’s Bilingual Education Program and Virginia International University’s School of Education are proud to present a guest lecture entitled
Utah’s Dual Language Immersion Programs: Setting a New Standard
by Sheri Anderson, Ph.D., University of Utah
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
American University
SIS Room 300
4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20016
Utah leads the nation in its statewide implementation of dual language immersion programs in the public schools in five languages: Chinese, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish. A projected 30,000 students will be enrolled in these programs by 2015 in grades K-9, and initial research findings indicate a variety of benefits beyond high proficiency in both languages, including more positive attitudes toward other cultures and standardized test scores that equal or surpass those of non-immersion students.
This session will provide an overview of the Utah DLI model, educational policies and practices, participant demographics, and ground-breaking research that is being conducted on dual-immersion programs, students, and teachers. It will also include an introduction to the Dual Language Immersion Research Advisory Board, a body of experts appointed to assist those interested in conducting research with Utah DLI programs. The session will end with information regarding how to get licensed to work in immersion education and the many opportunities available to conduct research on our programs, followed by a Q&A session focusing on topics of interest to attendees.
All are welcome to attend!
Campus Map:
NYSABE invites you to attend its 37th Annual Conference
You are invited to attend NYSABE’s 37th Annual Conference which will be held on
March 6th-8th, 2014
LaGuardia Airport Marriott Hotel
102-05 Ditmars Boulevard, East Elmhurst, New York 11369
You are invited to:
Attend major sessions featuring distinguished educational leaders:
Diane August
José Luis Alvarado
Nancy Cloud
Jesse Mojica
Pedro A. Noguera
Participate in exciting presentations offered by outstanding speakers at the Teacher’s Institute, Bilingual Education Institute, Special Education Institute, and the Early Childhood Strand:
Ivannia Soto
Patricia Velasco
Linda Rosa Lugo
Su-Je Cho
Estee López
Meet parents of bilingual learners at the Parent Institute
Participate in a variety of workshops related to pedagogical best practices in Bilingual Education
Attend the Leadership Forum featuring the author of Improbable Scholars: The rebirth of a great American school system and A Strategy for America’s schools
David L. Kirp
Participate in the Interactive Dialogue with NYS Legislators moderated by
Assemblywoman Carmen Arroyo
You must not miss the Conversation with Carmen Fariña and David Kirp at the Leadership Luncheon
Come and meet our distinguished guests:
Betty Rosa, Regent, Judicial District XII, Bronx
John B. King Jr., Education Commissioner
Angélica Infante Green
Associate Commissioner for Bilingual Education and Foreign Language Studies, NYSED
James DeLorenzo
Associate Commissioner, Office of Special Education, NYSED
Meet the leaders at the New York City Department of Education:
Carmen Fariña, Chancellor
Ursulina Ramírez, Chief of Staff
Corinne Rello-Anselmi, Deputy Chancellor
Division of Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners
Claudia Aguirre, Chief Executive Officer
Office of English Language Learners
Enjoy the opportunity to meet NYSABE’s Past Presidents and the current association’s leadership
Come to our conference and celebrate the accomplishments of bilingual students and educators by participating in the awards ceremonies. Enjoy the students’ performances and have a great time at the President’s Reception and Gala Banquet.
Meet new friends, network with educators at all levels! You will feel enriched and energized after attending the 2014 NYSABE Conference!
Visit numerous publishers’ stands and review the most enriching materials for your bilingual classroom.
Excited about attending our conference? Please register now!
Please be aware that conference registration must be done electronically at .For additional information, please contact María-Angélica Meyer at
Please be informed that all ticketed events are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Online Registration Deadline: February 14, 2014.
Full Title: Meeting on English Language Teaching
Short Title: MELT 2014
Date: 25-Apr-2014 – 25-Apr-2014
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Contact Person: Jaime Demperio
Meeting Email: < click here to access email >
Web Site:
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Language Acquisition
Subject Language(s): English
Call Deadline: 31-Jan-2014
Meeting Description:
The Successful Adult Second Language Learner
What is necessary for adult language learners to succeed in the learning process? Are there factors that make success more likely? What are the inhibitors? We are interested this year in sharing ideas and current research on this issue.
MELT 2014 will focus on adult language learners (i.e. university, college and CEGEP) and the impact of the following factors on their language learning:
– Motivation
– Critical period
– Technology
– Cross-linguistic influences
– Learning styles
– Ultimate attainment
– Learner strategies/instruction style
– Feedback
Invited Speakers:
Dr. Lydia White, McGill University
Dr. Laura Collins, Concordia University
Detailed program available March, 2014.
2nd Call for Papers:
Though the conference is primarily aimed at English language acquisition, we welcome presentations concerning the role of these factors in the acquisition of other languages.
Talks will be 30 minutes long, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. We ask that the abstracts be at most two pages long (including bibliography), font size 12, and one inch margins. Each abstract should be submitted in two copies, .pdf format, to (please include ‘abstract’ in the subject heading of the email). One of these abstracts should be anonymous.
Abstracts and presentations may be in English or French.
Abstract deadline: January 31, 2014
Notification of acceptance: Mid-February
2014 SUPER-LECNY Workshop Conference
February 1, 8.30am – 1pm
South Campus, Syracuse University
Note: 3 students in the MA Linguistic Studies Program (Tong Wu, Lily Jaffie-Shupe, and Rebcca Smith) have been selected to present their final papers from LIN 622!!
For those who may not be familiar with this annual event, S.U.P.E.R. =Schools and Universities in Partnership for Educational Responsibility and LECNY=Language Educators of Central New York (formerly FLACNY) have coordinated this event for more than 25 years.
Our format for the last 5-8 years, and the preferred one by our members and participants, is a morning devoted to nearly a dozen short presentations giving everyone something of professional interest. Our audience and presenters are regional language instructors. It is always the first Saturday in February:
Sat. Feb. 1, 2014. Goldstein Student Center on Skytop Rd. Syracuse from 8:30 until 1:00 with an optional cafeteria-style lunch included. The registration form is now available on our LECNY website:
It is a very economical event! ($5 for students, $10 LECNY members, $15 non-members which includes breakfast items, 10-12 mini-worshops, and lunch), and we normally have an audience of 60-70 folks.
Pre-Registration for the 34th Annual Applied Linguistics Winter Conference (ALWC)
now open
through February 14, 2014
For more information and to pre-register,
please visit
Guiding the Autonomous Mind: Perspectives in TESOL and Applied Linguistics
Saturday March 1, 2014
Teachers College, Columbia University
525 W. 120 Street, New York, NY
The 2014 Plenary Speaker:
Dr. Jaya Kannan
Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT
Jaya Kannan is the Director of the Office of Digital Learning at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT. She has a PhD in Computer Assisted Language Learning from Anna University, India, and more than 15 years of international teaching and research experience in higher education. In addition to managing a Title V federal grant, she has administrative and academic experience running teaching and learning centers. In the last decade, Kannan’s teaching expertise and research interests have involved the study of learner autonomy and the role of affect in the digital learning environment.
Co-Sponsored by:
NYS TESOL Applied Linguistics SIG
Teachers College AL/TESOL Program
Aloha! The National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) and the National Resource Center East Asia (NRCEA) at the University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa are pleased to announce our…
July 7-11, 2014
University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Honolulu, HI
Language for specific purposes (LSP) courses and programs focus on developing learner communicative competence in a particular professional or academic field (e.g., Korean for Business or Japanese for Health Care Providers).
This institute provides training and experience in developing LSP courses for your home institution. Topics include doing needs analysis, setting goals and objectives, developing materials, teaching, and assessing and evaluating LSP courses.
Language faculty and staff members at postsecondary institutions are eligible to apply. Preference is given to applicants who teach less commonly taught languages and/or teach at the community college level. Partial travel funding is available.
For more information, visit our website:
The application deadline is March 31, 2014.
Jim Yoshioka
Program Coordinator
On behalf of the Virtual Linguistics Campus (VLC)-Team ( I wish you a happy new year. Our next MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is ready to register: MOOC Linguistics 201 – The Structure of English – and again and as usual it’s free!
Currently, we have several hundred of registrations from more than 50 countries! Here is the official course description:
So join us, we’re really looking forward to starting the course and having you on board. Need support? Contact us by emailing
In the meantime, you can advertise for this brandnew VLC-MOOC ( Tell your friends and colleagues to join us, too. A free introduction to the grammar of Present-Day English: a MUST for everyone who either studies the field or is simply interested in English language studies and/or linguistics. And “free” means, everyone can register and decide for themselves whether to be involved or not.
Jürgen Handke,
The VLC Project Manager
Each year, Interest Sections in TESOL International Association are organizing fabulous five-week sessions (known as Electronic Village Online (EVO) Sessions) on a variety of topics. For a complete listing for this year’s offerings, please visit
As part of this event, NNEST (Non-native English speakers in TESOL) Interest Section in TESOL International Association is organizing an Electronic Village Online (EVO) Session this January 13-February 16, 2014. Our aim is to create a virtual discussion platform designed to utilize multilingual, multicultural, and multinational perspectives to re-examine some of the fundamental assumptions and practices influencing native and non-native English-speaking teachers (the NNEST movement) around the world. This online event is free and open professional development sessions and workshops to teachers of English around the globe (No TESOL membership necessary).
Join us, connect with us and be part of the action!
Welcome Video –
Google+ Communities –
NNEST EVO Website –
Twitter Hashtag – #nnestevo2014
Pre-registration now open: 2014 NYS TESOL Applied Linguistics Winter
Fri Jan 3, 2014 3:27 pm (PST) . Posted by: “NYS TESOL Webmaster” The 2014 NYS TESOL Applied Linguistics Winter Conference (ALWC) is
currently open for pre-registration for those who plan to attend the
conference this March.
Pre-registration is now open until midnight Friday February 14, 2014.
Pre-register online at
Do you prefer a print-based registration? Please download the PDF form at
We look forward to seeing you all.
The 2014 ALWC Committee
2014 Conference on Language, Society, and Culture
Theme: Storytelling and Academic Discourse
March 7, 2014
At Bronx Community College, CUNY
Sponsored by: Bronx Community College, CUNY
Co-Sponsor: NYS TESOL
We invite proposals for 30-minute presentations (20-minute talks and 10 minutes for questions) on original research or pedagogical practices related to Language, Society and Culture. The theme, Storytelling and Academic Discourse, aims to open up conversations about the following questions: How do we conceive academic discourse? How do our conceptions inform our teaching practices? Are academic discourse and storytelling compatible? If so, what are some points of contact, and how can they benefit our students? How do we take into account the linguistic and cultural diversity of our students as we bring academic discourse—and possibly storytelling—into our classrooms?
Please send as an attachment a 300-word abstract and a 50-word summary for the conference program to the attention of Andrea Parmegiani, Conference Chair, at the following address:
Deadline : December 15, 2013
Notification date: January 15, 2014
Aloha! The National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) and the National Resource Center East Asia (NRCEA) at the University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa are pleased to announce our…
July 7-11, 2014
University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Honolulu, HI
Language for specific purposes (LSP) courses and programs focus on developing learner communicative competence in a particular professional or academic field (e.g., Korean for Business or Japanese for Health Care Providers).
This institute provides training and experience in developing LSP courses for your home institution. Topics include doing needs analysis, setting goals and objectives, developing materials, teaching, and assessing and evaluating LSP courses.
Language faculty and staff members at postsecondary institutions are eligible to apply. Preference is given to applicants who teach less commonly taught languages and/or teach at the community college level. Partial travel funding is available.
For more information, visit our website:
The application deadline is March 31, 2014.
Calling All Student Volunteers!
Dear TESOL Student:
We need your help! The 43rd Annual NYS TESOL Conference will be held this year at The Crowne Plaza in White Plains, New York on November 15th and 16th, 2013. Our exciting conference theme this year is The Core of TESOL: Curriculum, Communication and Collaboration.
The success of our annual conference depends on many factors, not the least of which is the participation of volunteers. We need volunteers who will: work a shift at the registration or hospitality table or simply help attendees find their way around the conference. In addition, we need volunteers to serve as facilitators for individual workshop presenters.
All student volunteers will receive a substantial discount when they register for the conference. We request that you volunteer at least 2 hours of your time to be eligible for this discount.(See the NYS TESOL web site for more detailed information.) Please sign up for a time slot for either Friday, November 15th or Saturday, November 16th.
For more information about volunteering at the 2013 NYS TESOL Conference visit our web site, or contact me at
Volunteering is a great way to get to know more about NYSTESOL, to network with other members attending the conference, and to meet the Executive Board members.
I know this because I was a volunteer, too, not so long ago!
We look forward to meeting and working with you at the upcoming fall
Barbara Suter, Volunteer Chair
43rd Annual NYS TESOL Conference
We are happy to announce that NYS TESOL will be holding its 43rd Annual NYS TESOL Conference at the Crowne Plaza in White Plains this year on November 15th and 16th. This year’s conference has more than 150 interesting and dynamic concurrent sessions along with keynote speakers, Dr. Diane Staehr Fenner (Colorin Colorado, DSF Consulting), Dr. Dorit Kaufman (SUNY Stony Brook) and Dr. Yvonne Pratt Johnson (St.John’s University). We are also proud to have as a special guest speaker Angelica Infante, Associate Commissioner for NYSED Office of BE-LOTE.
The pre-registration process has already begun. Registration can be done either on-line or through a downloaded form and mail-in process (purchase orders only).
The link to the Annual Conference pre-registration web site is:
We hope to see you there!
Fran Olmos, Conference Chair
Susanne Marcus, President
24.4092, Calls: English, Applied Ling, Socioling, Writing Systems, General Ling/USA
1) From: Stephen Wilson <>
Subject: TESOL / Applied Linguistics Graduate Students Conference
43rd Annual NYS TESOL Conference at the Crowne Plaza in White Plains this year on November 15th and 16th. This year’s conference has more than 150 interesting and dynamic concurrent sessions along with keynote speakers, Dr. Diane Staehr Fenner (Colorin Colorado, DSF Consulting), Dr. Dorit Kaufman (SUNY Stony Brook) and Dr. Yvonne Pratt Johnson (St.John’s University). We are also proud to have as a special guest speaker Angelica Infante, Associate Commissioner for NYSED Office of BE-LOTE.
The pre-registration process has already begun. Registration can be done either on-line or through a downloaded form and mail-in process (purchase orders only).
The link to the Annual Conference pre-registration web site is:
Free Online Conference: Technology in Teaching — Principles in Practice
This full-day conference runs 12 October 2013 and is hosted jointly by TESOL’s Computer-Assisted Language Learning Interest Section and IATEFL’s Learning Technologies Special Interest Group. Topics are designed to provide a grounding for classroom practice in principled application of technology. Information on guest speakers, format and registration is available on the TESOL website.
A Pearson Webinar – Look for it on the Pearson ELT website
Make sure you don’t miss out on our latest online presentation in
The Harmer Lectures series coming this April.
This live online workshop is all about Classroom Management, as voted by many of the participants on our last lecture. Read Jeremy Harmer’s introduction below:
“All teachers have days when classes get out of hand, or when things just don’t work. This doesn’t often happen, though, with well-managed lessons.
So we’d better talk about what a well-managed lesson looks like! That’s what I will do in this talk.
Look forward to welcoming you online!”
Jeremy Harmer
We are running this free online presentation twice to ensure you get the chance to attend at a time suitable for you.
Date: Wednesday 17th April 2013
Times: 12.00 noon BST (London) and 18.00 BST (London)*
To find out more and register, click here.
Please note, places are limited so make sure you check your diary and register soon to ensure you reserve your place.
Attendees will receive a certificate after the event.
Professor Paul Kei Matsuda, one of the nation’s foremost scholars in multilingual writing, will visit Syracuse University.
Thursday April 4th Keynote Address: “Reimagining Student Writers in the Global U.S. Higher Education,” 3:30-4:50 in 500 HL.
U.S. higher education is not what it used to be. In the age of globalization, students transcend national boundaries, choosing where they receive their education, where they work, and where they live. As a result of the transnational flow of students, U.S. higher education is facing two challenges: to educate U.S. students to become participants in the global society while also transforming U.S. higher education in response to the growing presence of international students. In this presentation, I will discuss the implications of globalization for U.S. higher education with a focus on the role of writing instruction for an increasingly diverse and global student population.
Friday, April 5th Interdisciplinary Workshop: Paul’s workshop for teachers across disciplines will take place from 2:00-4:00 p.m in 500 HL.
His plans for the workshop include a presentation and discussion of his “Let’s Face It: Language Issues and the Writing Program Administrator” article, published in the WPA Journal in 2012. Paul notes that he has chosen this article for conversation at the workshop because of his view that “this is the most controversial but interesting and important issue that many teachers—from across the disciplines need to consider.” Certainly his argument that assessment practices must be adjusted to take into account the complexity of second language acquisition is a provocative and important claim to consider in an educational environment that includes an increasingly diverse student population.
Professor Matsuda, a faculty member at Arizona State University, is a leading figure nationally in the area of second-language writing and linguistics. He is the author of numerous seminal publications arguing for a multilingual approach to language instruction and is founding chair of the Symposium on Second Language Writing, the Conference on College Composition and Communication’s Committee on Second Language Writing, and former chair of the Nonnative English Speakers in TESOL Caucus. He will begin a term as 2nd Vice President and President-Elect of the American Association for Applied Linguistics in March, 2013. More information about his work is available on his website:
Join Us Online for Professional Development Webinars
5 Tried and True Tips for Teaching Grammar
Jennifer Lebedev
February 14 at 11:00AM (EST)
Learn five basic tips for achieving a successful presentation of any
grammar point. Attendees will also have the opportunity to discuss
various challenges in teaching grammar and exchange strategies for overcoming those difficulties.
Trends in Grammar:
The Critical Role of Listening in a Grammar Class Stacy Hagen
February 14 at 2:00PM (EST)
Of the four language skills, listening has received the least attention in English instruction, yet, its role is vital, particularly in the grammar class. Stacy Hagen will talk about recent research in listening, discuss the importance of teaching deciding skills, and show why listening belongs at all levels of a grammar curriculum.
To contact your ESL Specialist go to
SUPER-LECNY Workshop Conference
For those who may not be familiar with this annual event, S.U.P.E.R. =Schools and Universities in Partnership for Educational Responsibility and LECNY=Language Educators of Central New York (formerly FLACNY) have coordinated this event for more than 25 years, and I’ve been the LECNY liaison for almost all of those years, working with an S.U. grad assistant.
Our format for the last 5-8 years, and the preferred one by our members and participants, is a morning devoted to nearly a dozen short presentations giving everyone something of professional interest. Our audience and presenters are regional language instructors. It is always the first Saturday in February:
Sat. Feb. 2, 2013. Since the sponsor is Syracuse University we meet in the Goldstein Student Center
on Skytop Rd. Syracuse from 8:30 until 12:00 with an optional cafeteria-style lunch included. The registration form is now available on our LECNY website:
It is a very economical event! ($5 for students, $10 LECNY members, $15 non-members which includes breakfast items, 10-12 mini-worshops, and lunch), and we normally have an audience of 60-70 folks.
The Multilingual Mind: Language Development and Methodology
October 27 & 28
211 Hall of Languages Syracuse University
1:30 pm WELCOME
Gregg Lambert, Founding Director, SU Founding Director, SU Humanities Center
Gail Bulman, Chair, Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
Session 1: 2:00—3:00 pm KEYNOTE I: Barbara Lust, Cornell University
Pursuing the Process of Bilingual Development in the Young Child: An Enriched Case Study Methodology Provides New Evidence
Chair: Tej K. Bhatia, Syracuse University
Session 2: 3:30—4:30 pm PRESENTER: Carissa Kang, Cornell University
A Differentiated Test of Executive Attention Reveals Cognitive Benefits of Child Bilingualism Across Cultures.
PRESENTERS: Kathryn Womack and Jim Male, Rochester Institute of Technology Mentors: Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm, Anne Haake, Cara Calvelli
Towards understanding diagnostic cognitive reasoning of physicians
Chair: James W. Gair, Cornell University
Session 3: 4:45 – 5:45 pm
Panel: Multilinguals and Academic Discourse I
Organizer: Stan Van Horn, Rochester Institute of Technology
Negotiating Meanings in Transnational Academic Discourse
Panel participants:
Stanley Van Horn, Rochester Institute of Technology David S. Martins, Rochester Institute of Technology Elisabetta D’Amanda, Rochester Institute of Technology
Chair: Iswari Pandey, Syracuse University
Dinner: 6:30pm
GENESEE GRANDE HOTEL, Capital Club Room 1600 East Genesee Street, Syracuse
DAY TWO: October 28, 2012
7:30—8:30 am Breakfast
Session 4: 9:00—10:00 am Keynote II: Gerald P. Berent,
National Institute of Deaf. Rochester Institute of Technology
Code Mixing on Steroids: Multimodal Sign Language-Spoken Language Bilingual Communication
Chair: William C. Ritchie, Syracuse University
The Multilingual Mind: Language Development and Methodology
Session 5: 10:30am—12:00pm
Workshop on Language Documentation and Field Linguistics
Organizer: Scott Paauw, University of Rochester
Working with Language Communities
Scott Paauw, University of Rochester
Field Semantics and Pragmatics
Scott Ander Bois, University of Rochester
Field Linguistics: Real-life Experiences in the Amazon & Metadata and Archiving Wilson Silva and Jared O’Loughlin, University of Rochester
Chair: Amanda Brown, Syracuse University
Session 6: 12:15pm—1:15pm
Panel: Multi-linguals and Academic Discourse II
Organizer: Stanley Van Horn, Rochester Institute of Technology
Cross-cultural performance and academic literacy
Panel participants: Tanya Schueler, Rochester Institute of Technology Lisa Swovick, Rochester Institute of Technology Lori Nolasco, Rochester Institute of Technology Steve Foulkrod, Syracuse University Deb McGraw , Syracuse University Maureen Edmonds , Syracuse University
Chair: Maria Emma Ticio Quesada, Syracuse University
Closing Remarks
Jaklin Kornfilt, Syracuse University Tej K. Bhatia, Syracuse University
Tej K. Bhatia & William C. Ritchie
Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
The Central New York Humanities Corridor, from an award by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
SU Humanities Center in the College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
Latino-Latin American Studies
Get New and Highly-Effective Ways to Teach Academic Vocabulary
In this free, interactive webinar, Amy Benjamin will answer:
How do words get learned and stay learned?
What criteria should we use to select words for explicit instruction?
What are the most essential words in academic text across all subject areas?
How do we make vocabulary learning engaging and fun?
Who Should Attend? English and content-area teachers (6-12), literacy coaches, and anyone interested in innovative ways to teach academic vocabulary.
Blended Learning – What can it do for you?
Wednesday 24 October, 10:30pm London BST*
Join this online presentation with Vicky Saumell
Do you want to:
- Make homework easier to access and mark?
- Keep a clear track of students’ progress?
- Deal with mixed abilities more effectively?
If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of these, then join our online presentation and see the many ways in which blended learning can help you and your students.
In this repeat of August’s popular presentation, Vicky Saumell demonstrates how the use of online course component MyEnglishLab can have advantages for students and teachers alike. She will use examples from MyEnglishLab and English in Common.
The 42nd NYS TESOL Annual Conference will be held at the Hilton Albany (formerly Crowne Plaza Albany) on November 2 & 3, 2012.
This year’s conference theme is: Many Voices, Multiple Pathways to English Language Learning Success.
The web site address for online Conference registration is located at:
To book your hotel at the Hotel Albany, please call: (518) 462-6611 or toll-free: (877) 462-4441.
For more information, please contact:
Upcoming Pearson Webinar on ESP
Blended Learning – What’s it all about?
Thursday 11 October, 3.00 PM London BST*
Are you tired of marking homework? Finding it hard to keep track of what your students are doing? Do you have issues with mixed abilities?
If so, then it’s worth thinking about the benefits that blended learning can bring.
This session will look at what we mean by blended learning, and its many advantages for students and teachers alike.
Rob Dean delivers his popular presentation for anyone who may have missed it earlier this year.
Find out more and register here.
All you need to join is a computer with internet access and speakers.
MA Thesis Defense At Syracuse University
Petra Jasso will be defending her MA Thesis in partial completion of requirements for the Foreign Language Teaching Concentration in the Master of Arts Program in Linguistic Studies, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Thursday, October 18, in H. B. Crouse 340G. The title of her thesis is “A Non-Academic Computer Video Game: Its Effect on Vocabulary Acquisition in the EFL Classroom.”
Ms. Jasso’s Thesis Advisor is Prof. Amanda Brown; the two other members of the Thesis Committee are Prof. Tej K Bhatia and Prof. William C. Ritchie. The Chair of the Oral Defense will be Prof. Louise Wilkinson of the School of Education.
All are welcome to attend.
We are pleased to announce that the 10th TALGS (TESOL/ Applied Linguistic Graduate Students) conference will be held on Saturday, February 16, 2013, at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina.
The TALGS conference aims to provide a serious yet relaxed environment for graduate students and professionals working in TESOL/FL and a variety of subfields of applied linguistics to present their work, receive feedback, and network. The event provides graduate students as well as TESOL and other Foreign Language professionals (including ESOL, TESL, EFL, ESL, TEFL, Spanish, French, German, DLI, etc.) a forum to showcase their research and successful teaching practices. TALGS is committed to bettering the educational experiences of language learners in the community by providing a comfortable environment where an interaction between theory/ research and practice/ teaching is possible.
We encourage submissions from a variety of fields that can contribute to an understanding of language use, language teaching and/or language learning. We welcome cross-disciplinary proposal submissions. For instance, proposals with relevance to language learning from sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, sociology, education, foreign languages, and psychology will be considered. Proposals grounded in action research (inside and outside the classroom), works in progress, and pilot research are also welcome. See for details.
Presentation proposals must be received no later than Monday, December 3, 2012. Submission link:
Conference registration at
is now open. Please use the ECU Pre-registration form and send it to the ECU contact address. Pre-registration ends January 21, 2013. On-site registration will be available.
Please view the attached flyer for more information and, if possible, share this information with your colleagues and/or students.
We look forward to seeing you in Greenville this spring!
The TALGS team
Contact us: ECU TALGS team:
- 2013 TESOL
The 2013 TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo will be held in Dallas Texas, USA, 20-23 March 2013. Below is information on the call for participation and how to become a proposal reviewer. Information on registration and hotel rates will be available in the next few months. Watch the TESOL website for updates.
Session Proposals for 2013
The TESOL 2013 call for participation is available for download. Proposals are due Friday, 1 June, 5 p.m. EDT. If you have read the call for proposals, you can submit your proposal using the online submission form.
Pre- and Postconvention Institutes (PCIs) Call for Proposals
TESOL invites proposals for PCIs that deal with classroom practices and applications of research in language learning and teaching. PCI workshops offer participants an extended learning experience with hands-on, interactive training. Proposals should be mailed or faxed by Friday, 1 June.
Proposal Reviewers and Reviewer Training
Proposal reviewers for TESOL 2013 are required to fill out a reviewer application and complete a training session. If you have applied to review proposals and you did not attend the training session at TESOL 2012 in Philadelphia, then you will need to complete the online training session. The session is available at your convenience, but the deadline for completing the training is 30 May 2012.
If you have not yet filled out a reviewer application, you still have time. The application deadline has been extended to 5 May. If you have any questions about the proposal review process, please visit the TESOL 2012 convention Web page.
TESOL International Association
1925 Ballenger Avenue, Suite 550 | Alexandria, VA 22314-6820 USA
+1 703.836.0774 | |
- 23.1954, Confs: Language Acquisition/Japan
1) From: Tomoko Sekiguchi <>
Subject: 12th Annual Conference of the Japan Second Language Association
- Pearson webinars
The Gold Standard Webinars
April 18th and 20th
Jan Bell and Amanda Thomas
“The Write Approach”
What is required to be a good writer?
How can we help learners to develop the skills required to do well in FCE?
Jan Bell and Amanda Thomas will discuss the criteria examiners use to decide what is an effective piece of writing, how it is assessed and how teachers can help learners to prepare for the different tasks in the Writing paper.
April 19th and 26th
Luke Prodromou
“The Mystery of Idiomaticity in English”
Learners of English can reach very high levels of competence in grammar and vocabulary, and often surpass their ‘native’ counterparts.
Paradoxically, to the ‘non-native’ speaker, English idioms of all kinds tend to come with great difficulty and rather than make for fluency they slow the speaker down. In this session Luke Prodromou will look at the importance of idiomaticity in fluency and in international exams.
Sign up NOW for free:
- Motivating Readers: Collaboration, Challenge, Competence, and Choice
- Join us for a Webinar on April 19
Classroom teacher, literacy expert and author Sarah Collinge answers the question both teachers and parents are asking, “How do I motivate my student to love reading as a lifelong habit?” In this webinar, Sarah presents the top factors in building student’s interest in reading: collaboration, challenge, competence, and choice. Throughout the webinar, she highlights key research findings of the Common Core State Standards Initiative, and gives practical approaches for building interest in reading both inside and outside the classroom. Participants will be challenged to replace old myths with current truths in research.
Sarah blends current research with classroom experiences and stories, making this information accessible for both teachers and parents.
SARAH COLLINGE is the author of Raising the Standards through Chapter Books: The C.I.A Approach. She has taught in intermediate classrooms for 11 years, and has also served ad literacy coach in classrooms from kindergarten through 6th grade.
Motivating Readers: Collaboration, Challenge, Competence, and Choice
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The Webinar will begin at the following time for each time zone:
12:00 PM PST
1:00 PM MST
2:00 PM CST
3:00 PM EST
Please make sure to verify what time the Webinar will begin for you based off your time zone (see above times).After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.
Everyone who registers will receive a link to the recorded presentation within 48 hours of the live presentation whether or not they are able to attend the live presentation.
System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer
Register for the Webinar now at:
- William Labov, University of Pennsylvania
The Relation of Sociolinguistic Interviewing to the Teaching of Reading
Thursday, April 26th, 3.30-4.50pm
Hall of Languages, Room 500
The Penn Reading Initiative is a tutoring program designed to help struggling readers in inner city schools. Sociolinguistic research on dialect differences contributes to the program, but an even more important factor is knowledge of the conflicts, concerns and emotional engagements of the students. The motivation for reading and learning to read is driven by illustrated stories that reflect what is learned from sociolinguistic interviews.
The event is part of the following colloquium:
Thursday, April 26 and Friday, April 27 – “Analytical Methods of Sociolinguistic Variation and Change” organized by Rania Habib, Assistant Professor of Arabic and Linguistics. Sponsored by the SU Humanities Center; co-sponsored by LLL.
From: NYS TESOL Web Editor Ken Hughes <>
Date: April 11, 2012 11:07:57 PM EDT
To: <>
- Subject: NYACCE 61st Annual Conference
The New York Association for Continuing/Community Education (NYACCE) invites all those involved in adult education to the 61st Annual Conference. This professional development and networking opportunity will be held April 29 – May 1, 2012 at the Albany Marriott in Albany, NY. We hope you will share this invitation with other professionals that are involved in adult education.
The conference brochure can be found online at:
This year’s theme “Transitioning for the Future.” The keynote speaker is Anthony Iacono, from Indian River State College in Florida. He will address Adult Career Pathways transitioning the future of adult education.
Conference attendees will participate in workshops, presentations and panel discussions that will assist them in: addressing the multiple needs of a very diverse student population; improving the capacity and quality of programming; promoting collaborations and partnerships within their communities and glean best practices
from successful adult career pathway transition programs. You will receive practical information and strategies to take back to your programs and implement. You will also have the opportunity to network with other programs and interact with experienced practitioners.
Laurie Bargstedt, Coordinator
HFM BOCES Adult Literacy & Corrections Education
2755 State Highway 67
Johnstown, NY 12095
518-736-4340 fax 518-736-4341
From: NYS TESOL Web Editor Ken Hughes <>
Date: April 12, 2012 9:57:37 AM EDT
To: <>
Subject: LI ESOL conference reminder
“Embracing Diverse Communities of Learners”
April 21, 2012
8:30 am-12:30 pm
Molloy College
Rockville Centre, NY
Timely workshops and presentations on:
Sheltered Instruction (SIOP)
Technology for ELLs (iPads; Multi-media)
Strategies to Meet the Common Core
Authentic Teacher Collaboration and CoTeaching
News on Bilingual/ESL Education
Reading Strategies for ELLs
Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education
And much, much more!
A continental breakfast will be served.
For information or to register, please visit:
On-site registration is available.
Kenneth I. Hughes
Web Editor
New York State Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
- 23.1832, Support: Training in Methods of Teaching Younger Learners: Grad&Undergrad, Indiana University Bloomington
1) From: Cigdem Balim <>
Subject: Training in Methods of Teaching Younger Learners: Grad&Undergrad, Indiana University Bloomington
- 21st Century Skills for ELT
Dear Teacher
Our 21st Century skills online presentations start on Monday 3rd April with the following FREE online webinars:
Tonya Trappe
Collaboration: Problem set, problem solved, life skill gained
Nicky Hockly and Mark Pegrum
Digital Literacies
Other sessions during April include:
Carol Numrich
Critical Thinking: What we really need to know
Antonia Clare
Creativity: Ideas for developing creative thinking
Vicki Hollett
Communication: The human side
To register go to:
You can also view our Signature Event from this year’s IATEFL conference:
21st Century Skills for ELT
Kind regards
David Cato
Professional Development
- To learn more about English in Common and get practical teaching tips for the course, the Series Consultants invite you to join them in a series of free online presentations.These events are held regularly across a number of time zones, so that wherever you are in the world you can connect with Sarah, Vicky and thousands of teachers to debate on areas of contemporary interest in the field of English language teaching and learning
If you are interested in Teacher Education, mark your calendars for May 18 from 9am-12pm … TESOL @ Hunter College and the NYS TESOL Teacher Education SIG are holding a Teacher Education Spring Symposium.
For more details on this event, please visit:
Registration materials will be made in late March/early April … keep your eyes peeled on our website, Facebook, Twitter or this listserv for additional details.
Kenneth I. Hughes
Web Editor
New York State Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
Sponsored by Springer
“Alternatives and Innovation in Applied Linguistics”
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Hilton Boston Back Bay
Boston, MA
Since the 1970s, educational linguistics has continued to gain strength as a transdiscipline dedicated to conducting research about and addressing practical concerns pertaining to language (in) education. With cultural and linguistic diversity flourishing worldwide while ominous political and economic circumstances in many countries are also leading to the problematization of educational systems, the core focus of educational linguistics to foster education that is both linguistically appropriate and socially responsible is more acute than ever.
The Educational Linguistics Symposium (ELS) brings together educational linguists working in diverse scholarly traditions in order to encourage dialogue about innovative ideas for addressing well known challenges in multilingual education. As such, ELS provides a space for seeking alternative connections among different lines of inquiry that may not normally intersect. The inaugural meeting of ELS includes eleven paper presentations and three keynote talks by leading scholars.
“From Monolingualism to Multilingualism and Back Again?”
Sinfree Makoni, Pennsylvania State University
“Some Questions for Educational Linguistics: Time, Trust, Tasks, Tests”
Mary McGroarty, Northern Arizona University
“What Counts as Language and Communication Competence in Ethnolinguistically Diverse Classrooms?”
Constant Leung, King’s College London
23.683, Calls: Chinese, Applied Linguistics, Language Acquisition/USA
1) From: Nan Jiang <>
Subject: Maryland International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language
(not a local conference, but here because it is a new trend in the field)
Jyväskylä, Finland, August 30-September 1, 2012
Research, Practice, and Policy for Low-educated Second Language and Literacy Acquisition – for Adults (LESLLA)
Low Educated Second Language and Literacy Acquisition (LESLLA) for Adults is an international forum of researchers who share an interest in research into the development of second language skills by adult immigrants and refugees with little or no schooling in the home country, low levels of literacy in the native language, and limited proficiency in the language of the new country.
LESLLA’s goal is to share empirical research and information that will guide further studies on second language acquisition for the adult immigrant population with limited formal education. This research, in turn, is meant to influence educational policy development in all those countries where immigrants settle and are likely to need educational support.
LESLLA welcomes presentation proposals for the 8th annual conference hosted by the Jyväskylä University Language Campus. We are anticipating a conference with a mix of researchers, teacher educators, program administrators, and practitioners. Suggested topics relating to LESLLA learners may include but are not limited to:
· Second language acquisition (with a focus on low literate adults)
· Employment related ESL and literacy
· Family literacy
· Literacy in the native language
· Language and literacy for civic engagement
· Youth literacy
· Assessment and accountability
· Program development
· Working with victims of trauma or torture
· Human rights and advocacy
· Professional development and teacher education
· Resettlement and Integration
**Please note that only presentations directly related to LESLLA learners will be considered.**
**Deadline for submissions: February 29, 2012**
**Notification of acceptance: by April 16, 2012**
Abstracts can be submitted at the conference web-pages at
If you have any further queries please contact us by email at
We look forward to seeing you in Jyväskylä!
Organizing Committee